Have you ever noticed that people who are cheerful by nature seem to look younger than their counterparts? Carefree people are not affected the same way by the stresses of everyday life as we are. My wife for one seems to have the ability to not notice when things are going terribly wrong while I have the tendency to become stressed or distracted. I don’t become distressed but as the man of the house I get concerned because I am the head of the household and it is my responsibility to get us through.

There are relaxation techniques that those of us who are not in the habit of relaxing and naturally living stress free lives can use to help us live longer and happier lifestyles. First of all if relaxation is not common to our nature we have to learn the fundamentals of muscle relaxation and control.

Muscle relaxation and control begins with mind control . I think that the biggest obstacle to stressed out people is that they haven’t yet learned to slow down their thinking and attend to themselves rather than the daily issues that they face. We can’t relax until we can relieve the stressors that come against our own minds. The problems that we have will only go away if we deal with them. They won’t disappear if we worry so worrying about them does you absolutely no good at all.

I like to block out personal time when I am relaxing so that I will have the mental comfort of knowing that I can get back to my worrying later if I need to. That way I know that I am on schedule and I feel better about taking time out.

Focus on just allowing all of your mental anguish and worry to flow away. Imagine that your mind is being washed and refreshed by running water. Find inner peace and yield to it. Allow peace to rule in your mind. Allow it to take you wherever it needs to lead you. Once you have allowed peaceful thoughts and images to fill your mind you need to begin to concentrate on relaxing your body.

I like to start with my hands. I will allow them to be totally limp. I will then focus on my arms, feet, and legs. If I am in an uncomfortable position I will move to a position where there is no strain at all when I relax. After a period of time I will have relaxed my entire body. You have to be careful to not allow tension to creep back in when you have done so.

I have found that it is essential to learn to control breathing as a part of relaxation. Deep slow relaxed breaths will also help you to control your mind and body. As a matter of fact people who know how to beat a lie detector begin by controlling their breathing. The principal of the lie detector is that it measures the stress that you feel when you lie. The person who can either lie with absolutely no remorse, or can control the stress that he or she feels when they lie will be able to beat the lie detector.

A lie detector measures a reaction called Galvanic Skin Response. This is the electrical impulses which your body produces in response to you knowing telling a lie. Once you have achieved a state of relaxation this response will be greatly diminished which indicates that it is harder for you to feel stressed once you have achieved a state of relaxation. If you can master these stress reducing techniques I guarantee that they will work for you. The Good Life

Author's Bio: 

Cedric Rice is the founder of Riceland Enterprises, which is composed of several different business ventures. This company is currently located in Georgia.
Riceland Enterprises of several web sites that Mr. Rice owns and operates which is oriented towards consumers along with Military Ring Express , and Fragrance Oil Express