Hi, I’m Patty Sadallah, the Dream Partner Catalyst and the President and Founder of the Redwood Sisterhood. Thanks for requesting this FREE report. Leadership Anatomy is my model for looking at the leadership responsibilities of dream achievement using body parts as metaphors. My colleague Duane Wade and I do a Blog Talk Radio show entitled Leadership Anatomy 101 on a different body part monthly. You can listen to past shows and set a reminder so you won’t miss future episodes by clicking http://www.blogtalkradio.com/patty-sadallah . I have 29 years of experience as an organization development consultant and executive coach and in December of 2008, I created the Redwood Sisterhood as an international support community for women that encourages personal and professional growth through learning opportunities, community bartering and fun networking events. For more information about the Redwood Sisterhood, click http://www.redwoodsisterhood.com/members/rs/adminpages/whyjoin

November 17-21, 2010 the Redwood Sisterhood will be offering a Leadership Anatomy Women’s Retreat in Geyserville, California, among the inspirational redwood trees. I share this free report as a way to showcase what 16-18 fabulous women will be able to work through that fall weekend. Sarah Spengler, a talented and creative organizational consultant with as many years experience as I have will be the co-facilitator. We will work through all of the body parts addressed in this report as they are key leadership elements for dreamers to be successful. It will be intense, fun, thought provoking and life altering. You will make more progress toward your dream in that one weekend than many people have made in a year. There is more information at the end of this article with retreat information and registration links as well.Let’s jump right in.


The Heart of a leader represents your passion ; your mission and purpose. Many of us begin here with a passion , talent and desire to turn our gifts into a profitable business. Getting clear about your purpose and niche is often the first stumbling block to moving forward with your dream or business.

There are four key elements to a passionate mission.

1. What do you do? That is, how do you intend to help people?
2. For whom do you serve? Being clear about the EXACT customer is key to being focused.
3. What is your guiding value? How can that value become your power and the key to making decisions?
4. How will you know that you will be successful? Exactly how is the customer better off because of their connection with you or your product?
Remember that your mission must stem from you and your heart, but if it does not connect with your customer and their needs, it will not work. We will work through this at the retreat and one promised take-away is that all participants will leave with a clear mission.


Next, let’s look at the Eyes of a leader. The eyes represent vision- seeing exactly where you want to go actually sets that course in your mind. We will help you see that vision five years out into the future. We will use all of our senses; you’ll see, smell, taste, touch, feel and know exactly what it could look like. If you can see it, you can do it. So, seeing it is the first step to putting it into motion. After our creative right brained experience that helps us see the future, we’ll break it down into 1,2,3,4, and 5 year increments so that not only will we see the future, but the steps to get there. This is a major progress toward creating the path to your dream.


The Brain of a leader addresses the dreamer’s mindset. Sometimes our own mind chatter can be our worst enemy to dream achievement . What do you ‘tell’ yourself about your dream? “Each level of income requires a different you.” Mike Litman. One of the biggest things to overcome for many people trying to make a go of a business is their ‘employee’ vs. ‘boss/owner’ mindset.

If you have worked for someone else all or most of your adult life, it is a big leap to be your own boss. No one is giving you deadlines, making you do something. To go from thinking like an employee to thinking like a successful and savvy business owner takes some adjustments. We will work on catching those mind limiting perceptions and replacing them with more ‘CEO like’ mindsets. We will also address the Stomach (guts) and help you find the courage to go for your dream. Our fears can be a major stumbling block to our success mindset.


Next, we’ll look at the Face of a leader which will address your brand. The brand is not just your logo; it’s your entire identity. Think about the face, it is the part of the body that people identify as their identity. So, it is critical that you are planful about your branding work. Here, we will build on our previous work and take our mission from the heart section and create our ‘escalator tag’. If an elevator speech gets people to understand clearly what you do in the time it takes to ride an elevator, and ‘escalator tag’ has them either getting it or curious enough to ask for clarification in the time it would take to cross someone going the opposite direction on an escalator. That’s why I call myself the Dream Partner Catalyst, I come alongside women and become their partners in dream achievement . I act as a catalyst, an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action. We will work through escalator tags for all participants and have a goal for each amazing woman to leave with theirs by the end of the weekend.


We will sneak in a bit of the Mouth (voice) of a leader by addressing some messaging and copywriting tips that reinforce your brand. We will learn about the 7 reasons people buy, and the number one reason and how to bubble that need to the surface so that the present state is more uncomfortable than the future benefit of your service or product. We will learn about the 10 magic words of copywriting and how to incorporate them into your communication strategies.

Ears and Hands

Next we’ll look at the Ears and Hands of a leader, hearing the customer and developing your service. What are your customers telling you that they really want? What should you be offering to your customers? How can you “enter the conversation going on in the customer’s mind” as David Garfinkle describes it, to know exactly what they want and need?

You want to create services in which

1. There already is a market for what you are doing. Someone is already buying this service or a similar product. That’s how you know it sells. Someone else is buying it.
2. Your target market has the money to pay for it and is hungry for what you can do for them. Maybe you can do it quicker, make it easier, or do it less expensively. They are hungry.
3. You offer a value. Your customer feels as though the cost minimal compared to the benefits they receive for your service or product.

We will learn how to fine tune your listening ears so that you can hear better what the customer is saying that they are willing to pay for. Notice, I didn’t say what they want or even need. What they are willing to pay for is the question that gets closest to the mark. We will make sure that you have at list of possible service offerings and or have thought through the improvement of your present service offerings before the end of the retreat.


In order to get your dream out of your head and into reality, you’ll need the Legs of a leader. A lot of people get stuck because they just don’t know what to DO in order to really make their dreams a reality. Legs are about walking the talk. We will revisit your vision from back in the eyes section and break it out into a series of daily, weekly and monthly activities. All you have to do is work a bit each day on that list and you are moving toward your dream. You don’t need to quit your job and jump into something new with both feet. Just move toward it a bit each day and you will get there. You will bring your dream to life with daily activity. So, we will make your own personal dream activity plan that you will leave with.

What are you willing to do for your dream?

The Retreat

I hope that this free report got you a bit excited about your dream and this Leadership Anatomy Retreat in California in November of 2010. If it sounds like this is a lot to accomplish all of this in a long weekend, you are right. But, it will be fun work. Trust me though, we will still have time to meet some new lifelong friends, enjoy the redwoods and the fantastic vineyards in the Sonoma Valley. It would be irresponsible of us not to take advantage of all that fun and beauty . I guarantee that you will leave a new person. Your dream will be more real to you and you will have made more progress in a weekend that many can make in a year.

This retreat is made even more affordable by our multiple payment options. If you are reading this report before December 31, 2009, then there is an Early Bird opportunity for you to register for this retreat with a 12 month payment option. From January to May of 2010, you can pay in 6 monthly installments. From June to September, you can pay in 3 installments. The registration deadline is September 30, 2010.

Coaching with Patty

You don’t have to wait for this fabulous retreat to begin working the body of skills that will bring your dream to life. If you would like to work with Patty as your personal coach, contact her by patty@pattysadallah.com . If you haven’t already done so, you can join her newsletter by visiting www.PattySadallah.com/sq request your FREE 30 minute Dream Success Consultation by filling out the second page at the above address, or jumping straight to www.PattySadallah.com/qualification

And you can check out her coaching website www.PattySadallah.com for more information. Members of the Redwood Sisterhood that are also coaching clients of Patty’s receive 30 additional minutes of coaching free each month, and time bankers can purchase more time with time dollars.

The Redwood Sisterhood

The Redwood Sisterhood is a vibrant community of women who are all working toward their dreams . It offers monthly tele-classes, peer coaching calls, the Blog Talk Radio show, face to face events in certain communities, and time banking, our community bartering program. Time banking, for the exclusive access members allows them to earn time dollars for time spent in Redwood Sisterhood activities and for serving other sisters and spend them on services they need that other sisters provide. It’s a big job to bring your dream to life, so don’t try to do it alone!

Click HERE to learn about membership options and benefits.Click HERE to learn more about Time Banking at the Redwood Sisterhood.

Thanks for requesting this free report and I hope that I can become your Dream Partner Catalyst.
Patty Sadallah
Dream Partner Catalyst/President & Founder
Redwood Sisterhood
(877) 733-7471

Author's Bio: 

Patty Sadallah has 29 years experience as an organization development consultant and executive coach. She is a Dream Partner Catalyst and coaches and consults nonprofits and women owned small business owners around issues of focus and planning, moving them toward her dreams. Find out more about her coaching and consulting at http://www.PattySadallah.com/sq .

She is also the President/Founder of the Redwood Sisterhood, an international women's support community that offers personal and professional development learning opportunities, community bartering through time banking and fun networking events. Here, she brings together the talents and the needs of women and allows these connections to strengthen and uplift the membership. Learn more at ( http://www.RedwoodSisterhood.com )

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