Introduction of Raymond Queneau

Raymond Queneau was a French poet and novelist and the co-founder of Ouvroir de littérature potentielle (Oulipo). Queneau spent much of his life working for the Gallimard publishing house, where he began as a reader in 1938. He later rose to be general secretary, and eventually became director of l'Encyclopédie de la Pléiade in 1956. During some of this time, he also taught at l'École Nouvelle de Neuilly. He entered the Collège de ‘Pataphysique in 1950, where he became Satrap. During this time, Queneau also acted as a translator, notably for Amos Tutuola's The Palm-Wine Drinkard (L'Ivrogne dans la brousse) in 1953.

Raymond Queneau's Astrology

Astrology can be used to understand a person's personality, successes and failures and to forecast how someone will feel or behave over a period of time. It can even be used to plan the best time to do various things. Astrology can be divided into natal astrology and mundane astrology . Astrology has dual purpose. One purpose of it that it acts a method to select the correct month, the correct date and the correct time to begin a prosperous event so that one gets the desired result out of it. The other purpose of it is to utilise it to study the fate of a human being.

Raymond Queneau Horoscope

ue to favorable forth house of chart Raymond Queneau is very clear hearted and is not wicked by nature. Whatever Raymond Queneau thinks inside, Raymond Queneau is the same outside also. Presence of mercury in third house of chart indicates that Raymond Queneau is an easy going person by nature. Raymond Queneau takes things lightly and proceed in an easy manner. But if required, Raymond Queneau can work for any no. of hours. Jupiter affects 12th house of Horoscopes chart. Raymond Queneau gets sound sleep. Rather sleeping any time is his weakness. His chart indicates that Raymond Queneau does not have to hunt for girls to be friends with them. Instead they will approach him or contact him.

Raymond Queneau's Match Making

Horoscope Matching or Kundli Milan, as it is called in India is a novel and unequalled method of ascertaining compatibility of a man and a woman and to see if they are suitable for each other to be tied in matrimony. Match making is done to ensure a harmonious, well balanced and successful married relationship. It is this reason why Indian marriages were so long lasting and successful over the years. In recent past, the percentage of successful marriage relationships had fallen significantly. This was because of the growth of love marriages in which the mutual compatibility & gun milan was often ignored.

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