Always keep a tool kit handy, it plays an important role when all of a sudden your car stops and becomes a trouble for you. Today we are going to tell you how to handle the situation if your car stops all of a sudden in between the travel, then you can fix it quickly.

You never know when your car can be problematic, if you get a mechanic on time then it is fine but if you do not get help, you waste a lot of time. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you about some automotive tool kit that you should always keep with you while driving a car, so you can fix it yourself. You can buy these toolkits from hardware store online shopping portals.

• Many times it happens that you are going somewhere and the car stops in a secluded place. Because of this, you have to face troubles. We are going to tell you some measures to protect you from similar problems. In the case of a car accident, if the glass is jammed, then by removing the head support behind the seat, you can break the glass and get out.

• Many times the car battery gets discharged due to the headlight being turned on. In such a situation, the car does not start. If this is the case, turn off the headlight and try to start after some time. If the car still does not start, then you will have to charge your car battery with the battery of another car.

• Due to the overheating of the engine, the car stops many times. In this case, pour distilled water or plain water into the coolant tank. The car will start as soon as the engine cools down.

In case of any other major issue or punctures, you must keep the automotive tool kit in the car, so minor repairs can be done.

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Today we are going to tell you about some automotive tool kit that you should always keep with you while driving a car, so you can fix it yourself. You can buy these toolkits from hardware store online shopping portals.