Today, there are many conditions that contribute to generate in people a sense of emptiness, meaninglessness, discomfort or dissatisfaction with life, social environment, work, etc.

Excessive work competition, the constant bombardment of media images and messages about what we should be, have, and seem to be happy with, and news overloaded with images and messages that increase daily fear and the feeling of helplessness, are some of the factors that characterize and influence the emotions of people.

The circadian rhythms are altered and, in one way or another, stress, pressure, fatigue, anxiety , fear and / or sadness begin to surface. Some people resort to drugs immediately to continue living in the same pace but getting to sleep better, tolerated pressures, anesthetized the anguish, etc. But while medications can help in some cases, the medicalization of everyday life and the use of psychotropic drugs without associated therapeutic process becomes a way of attacking the symptoms and not the root of the problem. This may generate a sense of well-being that lasts within the period in which medicines are taken with the risk of returning to the same state of dissatisfaction, once treatment ends.

Psychotherapy can be a way back to ourselves and the real relationship with others when we are not being able to conduct our lives in a satisfactory way. Although psychotherapy is a good way to resolve serious conflicts and receive support if you have a specific disorder, it is also a tool for people passing through difficult times or existential crisis.

Good therapy can help increase the level of awareness about:

• The way in which we are confronted with situations
• How we relate to others
• What are the meanings we associate with certain things
• How we tend to react
• How the world and people influence how we feel and how we live, among other things

From this new level of knowledge, it is possible to extend our limits, and actually turn our lives around, empower our lives again, taking charge of what happens to us and begin to conduct our own lives.

There are many streams and models from which a therapist can work. Some, from their experience have been fusing elements from different lines and adapting their work according to the needs of patients. So far it has been impossible to determine a line of work that is superior to another because, ultimately, there are nonspecific factors (such as the therapeutic relationship, characteristics of the psychologist, patient preferences, etc.) that are more important in the success or failure of psychotherapy.

Therapies can be quite long, reaching very deep levels of understanding of oneself, but you may also find strategic psychotherapy aimed at working a particular problem in a short time. There are individual therapy, couple, group and family , the range is wide.

Finally, it is important to note that in the first phase of treatment, it is common for symptoms to be exacerbated. Also there are often periods of therapy that are more intense and faster than others. Therefore, patients are encouraged to ask questions and discuss their insecurities, doubts, and apprehensions with the psychologist, because everything that happens in therapy is critical to your self-development and advancement.

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