To protect the pets from several infections is the great challenge for the pet lovers. If you love your puppy it must be to cumbersome to get rid of ticks and fleas. Fleas and tick’s bite is too gangrenous that can make your loved puppy to die even because of the chronic disease. The proper treatment is required for you loving pet to have the protection against the chronic disease. So before it happens it is very necessary for you buy right and effective medicines for your pet for the treatment of ticks and fleas. There are number of drugs available to get rid of fleas and ticks in the market. K9 Advantix Flea is the ideally suited drug to be used dogs.

The most recommended drug by the medical professionals to prevent the infection is K9 Advantix. It is generally used for dogs and puppies older than 7 weeks. The Availability of this medicine is only through licensed practicing vet. K-9 Advantix repels and kills ticks including Deer Ticks (vector of Lyme Disease), American Dog Ticks (vector of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever), Brown Dog Ticks (vector of ehrlichiosis), and Lone Star Ticks for up to four weeks. K-9 Advantix kills 98-100% of the fleas on dogs within 12 hours and continues to prevent infestations for at least four weeks. K-9 Advantix kills fleas before they lay eggs. K-9 Advantix repels and kills mosquitoes for up to four weeks. Advantage of K9 Advantixthe treatment of this medication is waterproof, so good for use on dogs that swim.K9 Generic Is a cheap and best solution.

Side effects and precautionary steps to be follow before use.Use of K9 Advantix may cause various side effects. These side effects are numbness of the skin or itching, tingling and sensation of burning. This sensation does not start immediately after the application; it usually begins after 1 to 2 hour and goes away on its own within 1 to 3 days. To make your pet feel better you should shampoo the skin gently. K9 Advantix is used only for external use on puppies and dogs. Do not use this medication on cats or on any other animal. You should not use this medicine on aged, medicated animals and on pregnant or nursing animals.

Always remember that this medication is used only for one month. It is very important for you to apply this product very carefully as it may cause eye irritation. After applying medication on dog wash your hand with soap and water properly. You should keep this product away from the reach of the children and pet. This product is extremely toxic to fish. Do not add directly to water. Do not contaminate water when disposing of product or packaging.

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