The number of men that have prostate cancer is increasing as years pass and with that number, the amount of surgeries also rise. But males have something else that they have to deal with mentally and it is not the fact that the cancer may come back. It hits a little closer to the intimate side of things and can cause physical as well as emotional harm. Impotency seems to be a common symptom after prostrate cancer, and for many guys this blow hits close to home.

There is good news though guys. Organizations are popping up all over to help men cope with the reconstruction efforts of getting back those long-term passion effects. Psychologists state that men avoid the issue of impotency because of various reasons and that impotency is an issue that does not need to go on.

Males that deal with prostate cancer do not have to be resigned to an unsatisfying sexual life. Thousands of men will think that just because they have a prostatectomy their sex life is ruined. That statement/thought could not be further from the truth. Some studies show that a percentage of post-prostrate cancer males will wait a few years before they are mentally ready to start some kind of erectile dysfunction therapy, such as taking medication like Cialis or trying therapy.

Most physicians will start patients off on a systematic therapy session comprising of a meeting or two and then will consider medical or medicinal treatment. A typical cycle of treatment that helps a prostate cancer survivor helps the patient go through frustration, shame and even annoyance over having erectile dysfunction. All of this happens right after prostate surgery since most cancer patients deal with severe mental backlash and anxiety following surgery. Specialists state that relationships take their toll and depression usually sets in very quickly, increasing the disappointment of not being able to satisfy their partner.

Most men will withdraw emotionally rather than dealing with intimacy head on. It is a fear for most men and as any person will tell you, fear is something that paralyzes many people. Most psychologists say that people should seek help as soon as possible after surgery because biology will dictate the absolute best treatment for a person.

The facts, plain and simple, are that men will tend to shy away from seeking help because they feel like their manhood threatened following surgery. It takes its toll on a man mentally and physically. Even though there are plenty of organizations out there to help men cope, most men will continue to hide their feelings until they feel comfortable.

If your partner is currently in the process of treating or is currently suffering from prostrate cancer, be sure to encourage them to accept treatment as soon as possible after surgery. While medications like Cialis and therapy can help impotence, support from doctors, friends, family , and loved ones will help lessen the emotional blow and bring about an emotionally easier healing process.

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