I have always had an interest in solar energy. I recycle and drive a smart car. Why not have a smart house? The biggest obstacle I had to overcome really was realizing I can do it myself. That is right ladies, we can do it ourselves. I have always been overwhelmed by the quoted costs I was given to turn my home into a solar supportive environment. I was told it could cost up to $40,000! That is way out of my means. That’s when I started the researching. Not only am I more cultured on the topic, but I just finished making my own first solar panel kit. Can you believe I didn’t even spend two hundred doing so?

To start making your own solar panels all you need is a computer. There are so many sites out there that will hold your hand through the process. I read through a bunch of DIY projects until I found the site I was most comfortable with. There are even video guides on the web for extra support. Since I have built my kit I feel so much more comfortable in my own home. Did you know you can almost completely eliminate an energy bill by using solar energy? Isn’t that just crazy? With our economy in the state it is I feel like this is the smartest thing for someone to do. It helps yourself, it helps your wallet, it helps nature. The best advice I could give anyone is to just do it. You won’t regret turning solar.



Author's Bio: 

Shares with you input on going solar.