When asked about tooth loss, the average person might attribute most missing teeth to traumatic injuries or fist fights. In truth, 70% of adult tooth loss is due to advanced gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. Even with widespread efforts to educate the public about oral hygiene, most people do not realize how common or how serious periodontal infection is.

Causes of Gum Disease

There’s a reason your dentist is always reiterating the importance of brushing and flossing. When bacteria is left to grow and multiply on the teeth and gums, it forms a sticky coating called plaque. Plaque coats the teeth and creeps below the gum-line where it eventually calcifies and hardens into tartar. Tartar deposits are difficult to remove, eventually growing to separate the gums from the teeth, forming deep pockets. The tartar continues to grow and spread into these pockets, irritating and inflaming the soft gum tissue. At this point, infection sets into the periodontal tissue - an infection that can destroy gums and spread into the surrounding flesh and bone. Eventually the infected gum tissue will lose its ability to hold onto the teeth and the jawbone will weaken at the same time. The result is compromised and/or lost teeth.

All of this talk about infected tissue may have you feeling squeamish, but be comforted by the fact that this entire scenario is easily preventable. Enter the oral hygiene regimen.

Preventing Gum Disease with Oral Hygiene

The results of severe periodontal disease are painful and long-lasting, but preventing gum disease is relatively simple. The key is to remove the plaque-causing bacteria before it has a chance to cause any damage. The best methods to do this are - you guessed it - brushing and flossing! Below are some guidelines to ensure that your at-home oral health regimen is most effective:

- Brush teeth after every meal with a soft-bristled toothbrush for two to three minutes.
- Angle toothbrush towards the gums to make sure the bristles reach below the gum-line.
- Brush gently to prevent gum irritation.
- Brush every side and surface of teeth with small, circular strokes.
- Replace your toothbrush often. A frequent change of toothbrush is important since the bristles do not perform as well over time.
- Floss at least once-a-day.
- When flossing, make sure to gently remove any particles below the gum-line on both sides of each tooth.

Other home-care measures that can help to ensure a clean and healthy mouth include:

- Antiseptic rinse to remove bacteria left behind after brushing.
- Fluoride rinse to strengthen enamel.
- A water-pick to remove particles of food that are lodged between teeth.

Professional Examination and Cleaning

Perhaps the most important step in preventing gum disease is to continue with your regular dental check-ups and cleanings. An oral exam every six months is vital to maintaining your dental health. Using advanced digital x-rays and examination tools, your dentist will check every inch of your teeth and gums. A dentist will be able to spot any inflammation, infection, or other dental problems long before you can. With periodontal infection especially, it is important to catch it early, before it can spread and cause any damage. A periodontal probe will be used to measure the pockets between your teeth and gums, revealing your risk for developing gum disease in the future.

After the examination and risk-assessment are complete, a dental hygienist will perform a full professional cleaning. Even with the best brushing and flossing techniques, plaque and tartar can still find tiny crevices in which to hide. However, the stealthiest bacteria can’t hide from a good scaling and root planing. This method of deep cleaning implements a small tool that breaks down and scrapes away deposits on the teeth and below the gum-line. In some cases, a scaling tool with supersonic vibration may be used to accelerate the process. This cleaning will keep gums healthy and improve their bond with the teeth. With a quick polish for the tooth enamel, you’ll be good to go for another six months. Maintaining your bi-annual cleanings will go a long way to reducing your risk of periodontal disease.

Other treatments that your dentist can provide to fight gum disease include a dental sealant to protect small cracks and crevices from bacteria and antibiotic gum treatment for infected gum tissue.

Since your gums form the glue that holds your mouth together, keeping them happy and healthy will keep your mouth and teeth happy as well. With proper care, you can look forward to flashing a healthy and youthful smile for many years to come.

For more on preventative dental care, visit http://paultaylordmd.com/general-dentistry/preventative-dental-care/ .

Author's Bio: 

With her eclectic skill set and background, Jaclyn Kilani adapts her marketing experience to fit the needs of her clients, from article writing and PR to graphic design. Jaclyn writes and designs in a variety of industry categories to fit the requirements of her clients.