We are in a data driven information age with a 24x7 news cycle.

So more than ever, press releases must be an important part of your marketing strategy .

Social media, television, and internet have created an era of 24/7 news consumption. Therefore, it makes sense to never write off press release as an antiquated marketing approach.

Consumers today have direct access to press releases via online press release distributors.

The key to having high visibility among consumers and journalists is to focus on creating and distributing a well-crafted press release that truly promotes something newsworthy.

Here are a few good reasons that demonstrate press releases are still alive and kicking.

Business credibility

We must understand that readers view press releases as trusted sources of information. A recent comprehensive research has revealed that the majority of people across the globe feel brand trust is essential before making a purchase.

This is true in both the B2B (Business-To-Business) and B2C (Business-To-Consumer) segments.

If you consistently distribute press releases that are accurate and truthful you will build credibility and trust with journalists and your target audience as well.

Keep in mind that there is no space for ornamentation and extravagant language in a press release.

A good press release sticks to facts and provides answers to 5 Ws - Who, What, Where, When, and Why.

If your release contains figures, cite sources to establish their credibility.

It builds SEO traffic

A well-crafted press release uses SEO best practices that allow Google to find and rank your story.

Search algorithms of Google look for content that incorporates keywords and links.

With natural links and right keywords, your press release will stand a good chance to figure high in SERP (Search Engine Results Pages).

This is a direct value you can garner.

In addition you also garner indirect value.

If your press release is exceptional and attention grabbing, there are excellent chances that media outlets will pick it up and promote it.

And when they do so, your brand name stands to get a boost via referral traffic too.

Adds value

Most public relations professionals believe that press releases add value.

• They help in building brand identity.
• They strengthen your image as a thought leader.• Press releases enable exclusivity that other social media platforms cannot.
• They provide opportunities for enhanced brand interaction through inclusion of links, videos, and graphics.

Nevertheless we must note that PR distribution sites have evolved a lot to adapt to the changes of online publication to stay in business.

Before the ubiquity of the internet, information was disseminated primarily through newswires.

Editors and reporters would scan and filter feeds that were interesting and newsworthy.

Today the scenario has changed.

News gets circulated without press; the all-pervasive cell phones and social media are doing it.

Blogs, social media, industry influencers, and common persons like you and me are using platforms like Twitter and Facebook to circulate information in real time.

Thankfully, PR distribution sites are catching up.

From creating awareness of their clients’ brands to reaching a wider audience they are using innovative strategies.

Author's Bio: 

Mike Smith has hand-on experience in content marketing and affordable press release distribution that’s the reason why his blogs on the subject are educative and easy to understand. Mike has been a creative writer and is focused on the world of content marketing for many years now.