The Power of Positive Being - By Beth Sutherland

Since ' The Secret ' was named the most purchased book in Canada for 2007, many of us have heard, or believe in the power of minds ability to attract what you are thinking. Or perhaps, you are a non-believer because of the commercialism and simplistic notion of - if you want it - all you have to do is think of it.

With Oprah's support, " The Secret " was introduced to the masses and provided people with their first exposure to this way of thinking. It got people talking about things like "energy" and "Universe". There was a groundswell of enthusiasm but those old habits that are hard to break, and when results weren't happening, doubt and disbelief occurred.

How do you control the power of the mind? Is it possible? Don't the thoughts just keep coming? That's what it seems like but the truth is, the brain doesn't know anything until you tell it. So the key to controlling the thoughts is. to retrain the brain. But it's not that simplistic, there is another component. The Law of attraction happens when you accomplish a combination of: awareness of the thoughts in the mind, awareness of energy in the body, and vibrational awareness of the soul all at the same time.

Negative thoughts feel bad, they make your stomach hurt, or make you feel empty, or depressed. This is a vibrational message that "You are going the wrong way!!!" That's your higher self, or Universe giving you the sign to change. But we aren't aware enough yet to get it, instead we feel worse (negative loop thinking). We have no drive; we eat to fill the emptiness and are paralyzed by the chatter.

So to make the shift, the feeling of the thoughts or the sensations, have to change too, not just the thoughts. When we can recognize the feeling, and stop and listen to what we giving attention to then we can and change it. Literally change it.

10 Steps to control chatter:

Step 1: Buy into " The Secret " philosophy – what ever your the most dominant thought is, is what you are attracting. Like attacks like. (Let's assume we believe, or pretend we believe)

Step 2: Wear an elastic band and whack yourself in the wrist every time you are negative – doesn't have to be hard!, it's to get you aware of your negative thinking and how often you are "mean" to yourself.

Step 3: What is the chatter saying? Are you hearing, "You are not good enough, not deserving, not capable or something along those lines? What ever it is, write it down (it's easier than pondering over and over about it – we need it to come out of the brain!

Step 4: Feel the vibrations of the words - do they lift you up? No… that's your indication you don't want them

Step 5: Erase those thoughts (literally). Picture the words in your minds eye on a black board and erase them now.

Step 6: We need to understand that the brain doesn't see our thoughts as we did in step 5 written on a blackboard. It works in pictures so words like 'don't or not' actually get muted out. Therefore as we are about to create our new thought patterns we need to keep this in mind. For example: If you say to yourself "I'm always too nervous to speak my mind" by saying "I don't want to be nervous anymore" will not change it. "I'm now able to speak my mind" will send the right vibration to make the change.

Step 7: We are now going to start some new chatter. High energy self talk by declaring the opposite thought pattern - a quick rebuttal – write it down – it solidifies it. (i.e. "I'm capable now of handling every challenge or opportunity that comes my way")

Step 8: Read the new thought patter out loud (1st thing in the morning and last thing at night) or when the thoughts come in. Do this for 21 days. If you miss, keep going as its drawing and building more positive energy daily.

Step 9: Feel the vibration of those words. It will feel lighter, powerfully motivating. Sit and take in how you would feel if they were true. Remember your brain doesn't know anything until you tell it. It may even talk back and say "Liar" when you read that new thought pattern. Ignore it, and say it again. You are in control of your brain, not the other way around!

Step 10: Repeat often! (Positive use of loop thought) Eventually you will notice the chatter isn't negative, as you will be drawing positive energy in helping you move in the direction you want to go.

Some people may want help to speed up this process, or have tried, and need assistance. This is not a sign of weakness – it's a sign of commitment and determination. Coaches have techniques they can teach you for your specific Chatter/Self Talk. There are therapies to eliminate the built up energy in your body where those thoughts have been stored for years. There are also many books, CD's and tapes and websites to assist you. Check out: for some free downloads to give you some more ideas.

Author's Bio: 

Beth's 25 year sales career earned her many successes (president clubs, achievement awards etc.) and some disappointments (lost deals/difficult moments). At the same time Beth became interested in motivational speakers and programs to enhance her skills as a sales rep. In 1988 Beth started coaching individuals in her 'spare time' with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). She continued her studies by attending many seminars, programs and courses to enhance her knowledge of Coaching and how the brain works. Now certified as a Self Empowerment Technology Provider, she helps others eliminate fears or challenges, make permanent changes in their lives. Her full time practice has clients from across Canada and the U.S. providing these services long distance and in person. She was featured in London's Real Woman Magazine as the 'Expert Coach' and is known as one of the most positive people in London.