Playing Life Forward (and loving you).

Life moves forward whether we want it to or not. It never plays in reverse.

The past is past. Over. Finished. Our job is to move with the flow of the present. We are propelled by what went before, but we do not try to swim against the current of our present lives by regretting or yearning for old times. It is called your history!

Each day of life recovery releases us from the past and gives us a fresh start. We can put behind us the misery of compulsive behavior - we certainly don't yearn to re-experience that! Though the good times of the past will stay in our memories, our minds need to be focused on the present. We can truly build self-esteem !

Recovery also readies us for the future (note,not live in): We don't fear what lies ahead, since it is in the hands of our Higher Power. Our task is to earnestly seek to know and do our Higher Power's will for us today so that we will keep moving with the stream of goodness that wends through our lives. Trust and confidence support us as we face forward. Our Higher Power, whether we accept it or not, dwells inside of each of us.

Want to play it forward in a better fashion than right now and not sure how? Maybe I can help. Let's chat. Email me at and we'll set up a live conversation and talk about how!

Author's Bio: 

Keith Bray is a Certified Addictions Life Coach, coaching success by phone to select clients.