Your own wedding is the most beautiful day of your life. But a wedding day that you look back on with pleasure does not happen by itself. Whether you want to get married in an intimate company, or want to take a big trip with a colossal wedding party: a lot has to be arranged for every wedding day.

In this special you can read everything about organizing your own wedding day. When should you reserve the wedding location? How do you look for the perfect wedding dress? And when will it be time to send the wedding invitations? We tell you everything about the preparations for the wedding day.

Wedding night
Officially, the bride and groom go home before the other guests. If you want to end the day in style, it is special to book a sparkling suite in an attractive hotel.
Look for the most romantic sleeping locations at your selected most romantic hotel.

Wedding Photographer
If you opt for a professional photographer, you will find a huge selection of photographers on the internet. From all regions, photographers offer themselves and their services and all have their own style! Remember that choosing a wedding photographer and the contact with the person is of great importance, so pay all necessary attention!

HoneymoonHow can you better get used to being a man and a woman than during a vacation? Celebrate the honeymoon on a tropical island, go on a round trip, book a romantic city trip or whatever you want to choose from together, a wedding cruise.

FaithfulnessBefore you can get married, you first have to sign up. You do this at the civil status of the place where you live. You can not sign up for a year at the earliest and at least two weeks before your wedding day.

Bitter bouquetAn important part of the bride's clothing is the bridal bouquet. Traditionally it is the groom's job to find this out. That is quite difficult, because there are many styles, shapes and colors possible. Therefore, choose wisely so that the wedding bouquet fits with the rest of the decoration, the wedding dress and the bride herself.

Table layoutIf you know how many guests are coming, you can start with the table layout. If you want to be absolutely certain, you can also make name cards. That way you can be sure that everyone is in the right place. Let the master of ceremonies help you with this.

Pass through clothingAbout a month before the wedding, you will pass your wedding dress once more, because your body will then have the same shape as on your wedding day.

Day before the weddingPut the wedding rings and the script ready, try to relax and go to bed early.

The wedding day!In the morning you first go to the hairdresser and you visit the beautician. The rest of your wedding day, if everything goes well, goes according to plan. And some things do not run according to plan, no stress. Enjoy and let it solve the master of ceremonies.

Author's Bio: 

Misty Jhones