When you hear the word passion what image comes to mind - steamy romance, love, and candle lit dinners or hand holding? How do YOU define passion ? When I think of passion I don’t think of the romance between two people. I think of the romance I have with my life. I wake up each day secure in knowing that I am living life on my terms; doing the things that I am passionate about – living life on my terms. Are you?

Passion for life is something that is felt internally – deep in your heart or soul. Remember when you were little? Yes, think back to when you were in pre-school or maybe kindergarten. What games did you enjoy playing? When you played doctor were you the doctor, the nurse or the patient? Did you play school? Did you get to be the teacher or the student? Maybe, you played Miss America and you paraded around the living room in your swimsuit while wearing your mother’s high heels practicing your smile and wave. Did you dream about being the Homecoming Queen while dressed in your mothers old formal gowns holding a bouquet of plastic flowers? Now, think about how great you felt while were playing dress up. Oh and don’t forget the tea parties. Did you have beautiful plastic or china dishes? Did you wear white gloves and one of grandma’s old hats? Those memories probably just warmed your heart, brought a smile to your face and put a twinkle or spark in your eyes. Those childhood activities prepared you for the roles you would later step into as a leader, artist, caretaker, mother and wife. They helped mold you.

So now we fast forward to our life today. Do you really love what you are doing now? Is this the life you ordered? Do you ever find yourself dreading getting out of bed in the morning because you don’t want to go to work or face the music? Life is really too short. I use to have a sign hanging on the front of my desk when I was stationed in Okinawa, Japan that said “Life’s too short to dance with ugly men.” Now, don’t get all riled up on the word ugly. Ugly can be referring to a mean or horrible personality or disposition. So, with that in mind let’s think about how we can design our life so we are only around people that have great personalities and make us want to jump up from our chair and dance. I saw you shaking your head as you read this article. My crystal ball tells me you are NOT living the life you ordered and you are NOT always living life on your terms. So, NOW is the time to find that passion. Are you ready? There is no magic fairy dust.

1. Dare to Dream!2. Be prepared to face your fears!
3. Commit to taking ACTION!

I look forward to helping you on your journey to finding your passion and turning your passion into profits! Only when we are living our dream and fulfilling our passion are we truly at peace , content and sharing our gifts with the world. When we share our gifts or talents we are truly aiding and empowering others to live their dream and follow their passion.

Author's Bio: 

Dream Catcher, Business & Life Coaching is a Veteran Owned Business. Coach Jaynine is a retired United States Marine and former psychotherapist who works with Veterans and those on Active Duty. Jaynine will show you how to increase your visibility while developing your expertise. Whether you are a Veteran Business Owner or still on Active Duty, Coach Jaynine is the coach for you. She will teach you the systems and strategies needed to grow your business, have a successful military career, or transition into civilian life. You can start turning your dreams into reality by signing up for her free ecourse My 5 Secrets to Networking Success http://networkingdetox.com/