Writing a book is one of the fastest and easiest ways to take your business to the next level. So why is it that so few business owners are doing it?

I believe that the pros’ of writing a book far outweigh the cons, especially when it can be so easy.

Most business owners and entrepreneurs are very busy people. They are successful, they are experts at what they do and they are also juggling a lot of things such as, writing blogs, putting together their ezines, creating programs, products, sales and marketing, not to mention fulfillment.

That’s just the business. They have a life too. Who wants to work 24/7?

When you look at just how busy they are, where would they find the time to write a book?

A well-known and common superstition is the ‘three-second rule’. It’s quite simple: If you’ve dropped something, it’s still good if it’s picked up within three seconds.

If something is really important, we always find the time. What if we apply the three-second rule to writing your book? Wouldn’t you act quickly when you realize how much of a benefit it would be and what a boost it would be to your business if you did write a book?

Here are 3 things that writing a book can do for your business:

1. Builds your reputation and your credibility and attracts higher paying clients.
2. Helps you gain media attention, attract more speaking engagements and opens more doors than you thought possible.
3. It sets you apart from others in your industry and establishes you as an expert in a much bigger way.

Apply the three-second rule to your passion and expertise. Pick it up, run with it and write that book.

Writing your book can be easier than you think especially if you repurpose your content.

If you need some ideas on how to write your book by repurposing your content, I suggest you check out my FREE ebook : 3 Keys to Generate Revenue by Leveraging Your Expertise.

Or you can set up a Complimentary 30 Minute Strategy Session and we can discuss how to get your book going and done!

Author's Bio: 

Ana Hillis is a former executive assistant (with a really warped sense of humor) who worked in the Corporate World editing, proofreading and formatting documents for over 15 years. She has brought this experience into the online world where she works with Entrepreneurs to help them write their books by repurposing their existing content and helps them build their reputations and expert status with creativity and style, not to mention she has fun doing it.