In today’s age there are many problems created by the false beliefs of mental illness, and the use of medication to treat it. Many people are judged based on personal traits. Many people feel the stigma directly aimed at them and it can be very obvious. Some stigma types are making negative remarks about a mental illness, labeling someone as violent, dangerous, or unstable. There are many harmful effects as well, such as being discriminated against, bullied against, lack of health insurance , difficulty obtaining employment, and acceptance at social gatherings. There are many types of treatment available to overcome the stigma of medication for common mental health problems ranging from obtaining treatment to speaking out against the stigma. There is much stigma about the use of medication for common mental health problems and one can overcome them.

Understanding Mental Illness

Mental illness does not discriminate. It affects anyone at any time, and can affect all races. Mental illness generally is the result of a chemical imbalance in the brain. People tend to fall back on medication to control mental health problems, and facing stigma because of that just makes matters worse. Some people even avoid taking their medications because of this stigma.

Get Help

Many people do not want to admit they have a problem. They don’t want to be labeled. The first step to treatment is to admit there is a problem, and obtain the necessary medical treatment. This treatment could include psychological counseling and education, building a person’s self-esteem and self-worth.

Do Not Isolate Oneself from Society

A person with a mental illness can work to overcome the need for medication by surrounding themselves with a great support group. This group can consist of friends, family , neighbors, or church members. These people can be understanding and supporting of your condition.

Do Not Succumb to the Labels of Society

Society can be cruel. When one is diagnosed with a mental illness, the person should not allow himself or herself to be called certain terms such as “schizophrenic” or “ bipolar ”, but rather state that you have a mental illness. Never label yourself with terms that feed the negativity associated with your diagnosed condition. Remember, if you suffer from a mental illness, you are not that mental illness. You are dealing with that illness. For example, if you have been diagnosed with depression , you are not depression . You are just dealing with depression .

Speak Out Against Mental Illness

People with mental illness can benefit from medications, and need to consider those benefits instead of not taking the meds because of a social stigma. Medication can help with many mental illnesses. Society needs to be educated about the benefits of medications for certain conditions.
Medication is necessary for many mental illnesses. If you are the one who has been diagnosed with a mental illness, then make sure to take your medicine and let nothing stand in your way. If a family member or loved one has been diagnosed with a mental illness make sure to support that person, as this will make it easier for them to take their medication. Finally, if you see someone making fun of someone with a mental illness, make sure to stand up to the person and help educate them about the condition instead of feeding into the stigma.

Author's Bio: 

As Editor-In-Chief of many websites related to health, wellness, mental health, parenting, education, and self-improvement, Dorie Wicklund has the privilege of working with many superb professional writers to bring readers valuable and pertinent information similar to the article presented here. Check out our websites for more great articles: