Fred, who is my chum feels a tug at his heart whenever he stares at himself in the mirror. He sees this great mound of fat looking back at him with a pitiful look on its face that says: "HELP ME". Fred tips the scales at 240 pounds. This is not disgusting if he is 6'2'' and all well-defined muscles. But the truth is, Fred is carrying around heavy fat on his 5'"6 frame.

On December 18, 2011, Fred will have to attend his 10th college alumni class homecoming and this is why he is in the pits of desperation. Fred does not want his college chums including a very extraordinary, very lovely, future partner in life to look at the 3X version of him after ten years of abuse .

Just four months ago, Fred found Wilma again on Facebook (where else?). Though she is employed in Singapore as an artist for an international design company and Fred is in Manila working as a desk bound financial analyst, still Mark Zuckerberg makes their budding online romance possible. This coming alumni celebration maybe the perfect backdrop for a proposition. But it would not do if Wilma sees Fred that way.

Fred tells himself, "I should have told Wilma the truth about my enormity, instead, here I am growing anxious in finding the best ways to take off weight fast". Fred has only three, short, months to do it.

But are there truly proven ways to lose weight fast? Drastic, untested, and maybe even dangerous medications, methods, techniques, diets, food supplements, and even exercise programs are tried out often in desperation by many heavy people. Fantastic claims of getting you to rapidly lessen weight come with all of these. Sorry to say, all of these could belong to the class of what a fake offers to desperate people in need of a instant cure.

Are you one of the frantic people? Then hold it right there and face this truth. There are no best ways to reduce weight instantly without jeopardizing your health. If it took Fred a decade to go from 125 to 240 pounds, what makes you believe that Fred could take off over a hundred pounds of disgusting fat in three months and be healthy enough to enjoy the smaller version of himself? Delete that thought!

The goal should not be to lessen weight speedily. Lessening weight slowly and keeping that weight off permanently is the goal. At the expense of your health you could lose weight quickly. You could stop eating to the point of starvation. To take off 20 pounds in a week or 40 pounds in two, is possible but you will definitely be needing life support afterwards. Face your predicament knowing that your determined efforts and deliberate resolve will initiate your battle to reduce weight.

Your primary step to winning, as with all other endeavours and its accompanying difficulties, is the correct mindset. Imperatively, you must only undertake this under the medical advice of a doctor that you have faith in. The doctor will know the boundaries for your program of diet and exercise depending on your physical condition. Actually, what will determine the weight you lose will be your diet and exercise .

You have to admit the fact that you will have to eat less. You will even have to vary what you eat. Taking off weight is for sure with the appropriate eating program and suitable exercise . To have an impression in your mind to stir you is what is vital.

The image that keeps my comrade Fred encouraged is this. He is lean and trim at 140 pounds, splendid in a black tuxedo, with the gorgeous, white garbed Wilma, arm in arm and walking down the aisle. Now, that impression has definitely put Fred on his way to reducing weight.

Fred is presently enrolled in our custom fitted SURE WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM. He dropped three pounds last week and the week before, four pounds. For now, Wilma heard the truth from Fred.

Try out losing weight fast the most effective and sensible method for someone like you to begin dropping excess weight fast.

Author's Bio: 

evette is a researcher and a blogger. Writing different topics to share the information to the readers