From the generous outpouring of compassion and support for the people of Haiti to the theme of the top grossing Golden Globe best motion picture, Avatar, the message is clear – we are all connected as human beings – one universal family .
The experience of profound devastation and continuous emotional and physical pain endured by our earthquake stricken neighbours to the south has evoked levels of caring, concern, love and compassion from the rest of the world on a scale that far exceeds the seismic magnitude of the quake itself.
Movies…natural disasters – they inspire us to awaken to the capacity of love and compassion that exists within each of us, perhaps beyond how we would relate to one another on any given day.
Even amidst the financial crisis and economic calamity that many families are facing, we see people digging deep – not only into their hearts but into their pockets.
Through these experiences we become transformed and receive a huge gift…the connection to a deeper part of ourselves that we can model and share with our immediate families and communities.
Our children watch as we extend this love, compassion and aid to these thought-to-be strangers…maybe even saying a prayer – a simple, yet profoundly powerful means of support.
However, sometimes we forget. We can lose our perspective, unconsciously mistreating those around us, having allowed the stresses of normal life close the door that had been opened to living and behaving from the biggest part of our heart.
This tragic event has captivated global attention, it can also be a source of inspiration for all of us individually; reminding us that we have the capacity to ‘dig deep’, not only when crises happen within our universal family but how we relate to one another everyday; whether it be with strangers or those living under the same roof as us.
Our hearts go out to those in Haiti who are gratefully receiving the help they need now, and as one of the poorest countries, always did.
It’s like the world is now saying, “I see you.”
As a personal trainer for emotional fitness, author, speaker and awareness coach, Jo-Anne Cutler is passionately committed to inspiring and empowering others to find more peace and happiness in their lives by becoming emotionally fit and in her role as a child advocate, empowering others to be the conscious connected parents, teachers and role models our children need them to be. She has created an audio program called Breaking the Cycle, is in the process of writing her own book, and is a certified coach using The Inner Workout™ Jo-Anne is also the author of several published articles, co-author of 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life, Vol. 2. and 101 Top Child Development and Parenting Articles. She offers private/virtual/phone coaching and consultations as well as a free monthly e-newsletter.
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