If you like to spice up your meals, you have many options to add flavor. Basil, mint and oregano are just a few examples of flavor-enhancing herbs . Aside from their flavor, herbs are often touted for their health benefits as well.

Oregano – commonly used in Italian, Greek and Spanish cuisine – also contains many properties to help keep us healthy. Oregano can come in herb form or as an essential oil (often referred to as oil of oregano), but regardless of how you use it you can be sure to improve your overall health. Let’s examine the health benefits of oregano oil in further detail.

Read more at http://www.belmarrahealth.com/oregano-oil-benefits-and-uses/

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At Bel Marra we are committed to helping people lead healthier lives. We believe the one way to do this is to explore and unearth natural secrets and provide this information so that individuals can support healthy lifestyles.

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