Business is becoming complex and intricate due to ever increasing customer’s demand and extensive research and development in technology and science. Teeming global population demands are increasing day-in day-out, and to meet this demand technology is supplementing business to enhance productivity , efficiency, quality and workflow.

To meet demand with high-quality and time-bound supply requires innovative technology solution which is capable to optimize business and office management skills. Office is the area where important executive decisions are taken and where business plans are designed that will eventually integrate enterprise and initiate organized actionable steps. If office is unorganized and incapable to churn out urgent quality decisions then it will impact business growth and disturb demand and supply indexes. Here, enterprise resource planning software can help organize and integrate day-to-day tasks for smoother functioning of decision making process.

Enterprise Resource Planning Software

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software is popular management tool which can be used in any office. Online there are loads of options available in ERP software that can help you in particular common or complex or both tasks performance. However, this product-based ERP software is limited in their capacity to resolve complex issues and problems arising in decision making process. Therefore, it is recommended that tailor-made software development solutions should be preferred to meet your specific challenges and demands.

So, before opting for ERP software a comprehensive analysis is required:
• Map office work functioning.
• Analyze deficiencies in work management.
• Find lacunae in office management that prevents effective decision-making process and resolution of complex problems.
• Discuss with major stakeholders that are employees and people involved in decision-making process.
• Sketch an imaginative prototype of ERP software using all of the above points.

Following these steps will give you big picture on your requirements though it may lack technical outlook nevertheless these steps will go a long way in deciding features and functions of your ERP software.

ERP Features and FunctionsAfter analyzing your requirements and office management system, now you should get basic understanding of ERP features and functions as this will help you in search for a professionally expert software development company.

ERP cannot be categorized in particular work function, despite this custom ERP software also has its limited work ability and features though they could be capable to meet all complex and routine office operation issues.

Usually custom-made ERP software can include features and work functions regarding HR and payroll tools, online banking, office tools, project appraisal, work organizer and scheduler etc. Beside this, one can always seek for specific function or feature design to meet specific demand or perform specific operation. Suppose, there is Architecture Company that needs to analyze infrastructural blue-print designs on daily basis and also need design tools at hand, in addition to this, above all mentioned features and functions they also want at single place, here, custom software development services will get them packaged all these functions and features in single ERP software. From this one could assess the scalability and impact of custom ERP software which is equipped to transform office management totally.

Author's Bio: 

Shriv ComMedia Solutions (SCMS) is an experienced Mobile Applications Development Companies that has developed most advanced and flexible ERP software named COMSS (Commercial Office Management System Solutions). SCMS also have experience in developing innovative software development, 3-D animation multimedia and ERP Software Development Company .