Online Sales Training has been on the verge of breaking through to the mass market for many years. With some of the recent technological advancements and the changing dynamics of the business world due to the global recession, online sales training is set to take a massive increase in adoption in 2009/2010.

There are many benefits of considering online sales training :

Zero Travel Time - Online sales training can be accessed instantly from the main office location, satellite offices, home office workers and even studied whilst travelling on planes and trains.

No missed sales calls, sales appointments or business meetings - If structured correctly and with staff buy in it is possible to schedule training before and after vital working hours. Sales peoples training progress can be easily monitored online and they can be rewarded for movements towards key learning goals. Most importantly this frees up time for key sales people to continue selling and making money for the company.

No mix or conflict of different abilities - One of the age old challenges for sales trainers was accommodating different learning styles and different skill and knowledge levels within a mixed group of people. Online sales training allows the individual to use the most appropriate way of learning for them i.e watching the videos, downloading the audios, reading the PDF notes pages and/or taking part in interactive question and answer sessions Because the individual controls the pace of their training then they can decide how fast they need to progress through the modules to make it right for them.

Ongoing reinforcement - Learning studies have shown us that it is best to review materials after 24 hours, 7 days and 21 days to get the maximum long term benefit. Traditional workshops and inhouse sales training does not allow for this long term development. By having access to the materials online there is a far greater chance that the individual will review and benefit from long term adoption of the material. In fact modern online training programs can actually produce a report to tell the management when and for how long an individual has accessed the training.

If you would like to access some free online sales training then click through on the links below to gain instant access.

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