NPR technology is the latest technology, which is very effective in the surveillance or in the traffic lights. NPR stands for Number Plate Recognition. Now with the help of NPR technology, the police can note down the number plate of any fast moving car with ease. Not only that, the NPR technology can catch the number plate featuring writings and fonts of different styles also.

The NPR technology captures the image of the fast moving cars’ number plates which will be helpful for the police. Earlier the police used to just read the speed of the car and with naked eye used to guess the number plate. But with the introduction of this new technology that is the NPR technology the police official do not need to apply pressure on their eyes.

The NPR technology is often known as the LPR technology. LPR stands for License Plate Recognition which means the same. This technology was invented in the year 1976 in UK’s Police Scientific Development Branch. Now this technology has also been involved in the South African police department also. With the growing demand the police of various countries are thinking of having this technology in their own economy.

With the increase in the fast moving vehicles on the road it is the best option with the police to recognize the number plate of the moving vehicle. Generally we see that there are many drivers who drive rash on the streets and even on the roads. These people do not care about the people walking on road. At night the condition becomes worse because there are less police personnel to keep a check on these fast moving vehicles. Thus the government has decided to use the NPR technology. This technology helps the police personnel to recognize the number plate of the fast moving car even in the darkness or at night.

These numbers cannot be seen by naked even in the day light, so to see these numbers at night police personnel use Raytec CCTV cameras to capture any footage of the fats moving vehicle. These Raytec CCTV cameras are specially designed to capture the image of the number plate of the fast moving vehicle. Since it is difficult to place the police at every red light or at every stop, merely placing these CCTVs can solve the problem. These CCTVs work more efficiently and effectively than police personnel especially during the night.

Author's Bio: 

Author is an expert on the various technologies like NPR and Raytec CCTV cameras .