Are You A Slave To Time? Got Writer’s Block? You Need NewNovelist 2.0!

You’ve got great ideas. Your characters are in your head. You know how you want the ending to be. You’re a GREAT writer…
…. so why are you still staring at a blank computer screen or sheet of paper?
If you’ve ever tried to write a novel (or even just thought about it), you know the routine. You just can’t put everything together. You’ve got to work step by step to write a great book, right?
NewNovelist Software has turned the writing process on its head. With this revolutionary software , you can write your novel the way you want to.
You can stop being a slave to old, slow, archaic writing rituals and methods.

Let me salute NewNovelist, and hope that many millions of them are sold"Will Self, best-selling author & short-listed for the United Kingdom's 'Whitbread Best Novel” Award

Let’s face it – writing a book takes time. LOTS of it. Until now, aspiring writers and novelists faced - and let’s be honest – a gut-wrenching, slow and gruelling writing process.
We know what you’re going through. You probably have lots of notes in your head. You’ve gotten up at 3am just to jot down a great idea you had. Something strikes you for inspiration , and you’ve just got to write that chapter – NOW – before you forget.
But you’re supposed to use some ‘process’. That means you can’t start your novel now - you have to wait until you’ve got things in sequential order. For a writer trying to make a living, that’s a killer.

"NewNovelist is wonderful - the only software I have been able to find that works in the same way as a writer's mind. It allows you to develop ideas as they occur to you, regardless of where you might be in the story. This means that the writing process becomes as vivid and dynamic as your imagination ."
Seltzer Cole, founder of F!ZZ MED!A™ who has worked as a publisher, writer, videojournalist, producer, news editor and presenter in print, radio and television.
NewNovelist is detailed yet easy to follow software , that enables you to write a novel. This means that you will be able to write the story you’ve been dreaming of for years, and you will feel soon enjoy the satisfaction of fulfilling a life long ambition.
NewNovelist also received an overwhelmingly enthusiastic response from the national press, including The Sunday Times. This confirms that the software was written for all of us to use - you don’t have to be a technical whiz or an experienced writer - so you can get started with your writing immediately, knowing it will be an enjoyable experience.
Let’s be frank – time is money. Every day you’re held hostage to outdated writing methods is another day without a published novel, or without income if this is your career. You need to get your book out like yesterday. You know how it is. So do we.
Whether you’re a new or experienced writer, NewNovelist Software is the solution you’ve been dreaming about!
NewNovelist novel writing software breaks down the process of writing a novel into manageable chunks. What does this mean to you?
It means you can stop wasting time and start writing.
Remember – the faster you write your novel, the faster you can get your book published, or get money in the bank and food on the table.
Take a look at what you can do with NewNovelist:
Start with character development, or work on a plot turn
Describe an event first
Work backward by writing the ending FIRST!
Write Your Novel YOUR WAY!
Is Your Novel Being Held Prisoner To Time? Start Writing Now – The Newnovelist Way!
Get Your Copy of NewNovelist Software Today!

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Help With Writing Your Novel Faster