The idea of nothing makes it something. Once it is something it becomes whatever we think it is. Nothing is only limited by our imagination. There for as Einstein postulated imagination is the universe. This explains why it is so difficult to create and or manifest something into this universe, because you are creating it from nothing. Visa versa it is fairly simple to destroy something because it wants to be nothing to begin with. Something's strength is proportional to its owner's strength of consciousness. This makes all things the creators within God's original consciousness. So if all is one and all is nothing and there is only something by realizing there's nothing than we are all God creating the universe as we go. We are making the universe as complex or simple as we want it. The more we look into the depths of nothing the more something there is to look for, only because we thought to look. Once we look for it, it is created for us to look at it. The thought of even looking creates something from nothing in other words. So in this nothing we can manifest something from thought alone and the something is only as strong as the thought or conscious awareness of it existing, so collectively we could create something great by collective thought. If this is our power, than why don't we realize. This power is the greatest in the universe. So what would we like to collectively create? Since you now know you have no limits and no boundaries and that collectively what we manifest into existence is its strength of being. What is your choice of what is manifested? We call this free will. The will is your true power and such a great gift. Your will creates something from nothing collectively and individually. The stronger your will the stronger the something. I will peace into existence. I will War out. I will Love into existence. I will therefore we are. I will if you will and if you won't I will anyway. I want you to will with me so our will can be strong. I love your will, will you love mine? Slavery is controlling others will. We can only be slaves if we allow others will to be imposed on our will. If your will is weak the other will, will be the will of existence and not yours. I will famine gone do you? I will poverty gone do you? What is your will and very careful what you will for because it becomes reality unless my will is stronger than yours. This is the true war, not guns, not bomb's, not death . The war is what you decide to will into existence or out. What will you choose, is your destiny!

Author's Bio: 

Sean Sheldon
Entrepreneur self help self help
manual of life