Here we are, where we were last year and the year before and where we will be next year. I know that's a mouthful but it's true!

Every year at this time we take a look back to the past year and see how we can make this year better. Even if last year was a great year, we can also do it better this year. Or different anyway.

I want to share with you some simple daily strategies that you can use starting right now to get your business off on the right foot this year.

Don't over complicate it. Keep it simple.

It's not unusual for us to get in to overwhelm. This can be true especially if you are a creative type with all kinds of wonderful ideas running through your head. Maybe it's the details that get to you.

If you are a detail person you may get into overwhelm because you see all those things that need to get done and what to focus on first.

I believe for the most part this is more a women's issue than a man's. Most men I know don't get so caught up in the details. Is it a girl thing?

Let's address the time issue. As you well know, time is a non-renewable resource. Once it's gone, it's gone and it isn't coming back. There are 2 different ways to use time:

1. Investing Time

2. Spending Time

Spending time is playing around on Facebook or Twitter. Although we get clients from social media unless it's very focused business building time, it's simply time spent.

Hopefully, you are making connections with people and transforming those connections into a growing number of clients. If you do this systematically and it's paying off for you, then this is investing time.

You need a structure, you need systems and you need an outline. After you have that in place you can go fill in the details and the 'how to's.

I suggest you start first with how much money you want to make this year. What is your Bold Money Goal?

And this doesn't have to be for the year. I would suggest you make it more short term. Anywhere from 30 day to 60 days would work fine.

When you set this number I want you to stretch beyond what is comfortable for you. I don't want it to be crazy either, a number that is just too far out of reach, at least for you right now.

Now you have your number so you are ready for your next step.

I want you to make 3 'opportunity' calls per day. This is part of your structure. These calls are to ask someone about a possible joint venture, set up a speaking engagement or interviewing someone for a teleseminar. You want to be proactive here and make those calls. Don't sit around waiting for people to contact you.

Next step is setting up 'strategy' sessions to speak to possible clients. Make 3 of these a day. You might call them 'connecting calls'. Who have you met at a networking event or a conference? Who can you follow up with? What about people you talked to months ago but they didn't hire you then. Call them back and see how they are doing.

That's 6 calls per day and you'll probably get voice mail most of the time. I suggest you track your calls. Who you talked to, who you left a voice mail for and need to follow up etc.

The last thing I want you to do is 1 to 3 tasks towards your 30 or 60 days Bold Money Goals. Is it a new program or new service you are offering?

To wrap up, these are just 3 daily things for you to do to get you to reach the income you have set for yourself. Don't make this harder than it is. These 3 tasks are not difficult.

They may take some guts and they make take some planning but this is just one way you can move yourself forward and reach that Bold Money Goal that you have set for yourself.

Start making a list of people you can contact, possible future clients and how you are going to reach your Bold Money Goal. Keep this list on your desk or by your computer so you can add to it as opportunities arise. You'll be amazed how this will help you move you and your business further along.

Author's Bio: 

Do you have the Moxie it takes to start and sustain a thriving coaching business? Find out at Kim Kirmmse Toth transitioned from 23 years as Licensed Clinical Social Worker to building a high 5 to 6 figure coaching business while enjoying her free time doing the things she loves. If you are a savvy woman (or even gentleman) and a heart-centered solopreneur who wishes to grow an exceptional, heart based on-line business, let Kim show you the way at