Imagine being able to exercise yourself or your child out of:

learning and behavioural problems
• mood disorders
eating disorders

In the comfort and privacy of your own home. Neurofeedback is a powerful way to train you and/or your child’s brain that is fun, easy, non-invasive, safe natural and has no adverse side effects.

This is a scientifically proven process that uses one or two tiny sensors on your head that pick up brainwaves in real time and sends them to the computer where they are instantly analysed by the software and used to control brain games or the size of a DVD screen. So you are using your brain power to train your hands just brainwaves!

WHEN Greg, 12, first began neurofeedback he had all the usual symptoms of ADHD : he was hyperactive, aggressive, had mood swings, poor self esteem and struggled with his behaviour and school work. By the time he finished six months later he was captain of his football team. His confidence had sky rocketed, his school work had improved dramatically and he was much calmer. “It's incredible how my son's life has improved after doing neurofeedback” said his mother.

Neurofeedback can remediate:

learning disorders
• developmental delay
• behavioural problems
• mood and eating disorders
• anger
• sleep problems
• migraines
• headaches

This is possible because the brain is involved in all of these problems.

Neurofeedback is a scientific field

Neurofeedback is part of a scientific field that goes back to the late sixties. It has evolved rapidly in the last 10 years swept along by the tremendous advances in neuroscience and the rapid improvement of computer power and speed. It is cutting edge science based on natural healing.

Visit my site to read more and discover how you can beat the issues you and/or your child are struggling with. It’s fun, easy, non-invasive, safe natural and has no adverse side effects. All from the comfort and privacy of your own home!

Author's Bio: 

Jonathan Robert Banks Dip.T. Prim (Psych) Dip. Clin. Hyp. is an expert in neurofeedback with a background in teaching, psychology, yoga, meditation, hypnosis. I have 21 years experience and can help you find the best way to heal yourself or your child with the latest brain training technologies. Visit my site.