National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is an innovative disability support scheme introduced by the Australian Government. But a social reform of this magnitude comes with its complexities. It could be difficult for differently-abled people to understand the intricacies of their NDIS plan and make the most out of it. Support coordination is funded support that helps them understand NDIS and implement suitable services and plans.

Depending on your NDIS goals, you may or may not have funds for support coordination in your NDIS plan. If you have the funding for support coordination in your plan, you will receive assistance during your plan reviews, negotiations with service providers and various other things in your NDIS journey. Support coordinators you hire will help you to access community and mainstream services by making service bookings. Your

support coordinator will also help you become more independent over time. It is their responsibility to help you connect with the best supports and services. They will break down complex NDIS plans in simpler terms for your comprehension and ensure that you always have choice and control over all your decisions. You also have the liberty to change your support coordinator if you are not happy with their service.

An important thing to remember is that a good support coordinator will never make any decisions on your behalf. Their role is to support you to make decisions. Here at Aastha, a registered NDIS service provider, our disability support coordinators are up to date with all NDIS guidelines and the rules set up by the NDIS Commission. We can ensure that you have autonomy over all your decisions without compromising on the benefits.

Our services are available in Perth, Joondalup, Mirrabooka, Morley, Osborne Park, Victoria Park, Canningvale, Maddington, WA

Author's Bio: 

Best NDIS Registered Support Providers in Perth, WAAastha Community Services is a registered NDIS provider, delivering NDIS support services across Western Australia. Aastha delivers support and services which enable NDIS participants to achieve their goals and lead an independent life.

We uphold the rights of people with disabilities to enhance their social and economic participation and thereby ensure their inclusion in the wider community. Aastha works on the strategic plan formulated over a decade by the founders of Aastha which helps the participants to improve their skills, capacity, and independence. We also follow a client-centered approach in service delivery and advocate for the rights of the NDIS participants to lead their lives based on choices and decisions that they make.

Aastha has a team of well experienced and skilled NDIS staff who have extensive knowledge and expertise in working with people with disabilities in different settings. Our management, directors, support coordinators, support workers, and other staff are committed to delivering the best supports and services to our NDIS participants.