My Transformation Story

My name is Kenny and I'm from County Armagh in Northern Ireland.

I am an IT Lecturer and Learning Technology mentor in a Further Education College.

In March 2012 aged 48 I paid a visit to my doctor thinking I was a healthy individual to find out that I had dangerously high cholesterol levels, particularly my triglycerides which were at 13 and normal is 4 - potential heart attack stuff.

I had been going to the gym for quite some time but was just lifting weights and getting fatter and fatter thinking I was fit... huh!

I then decided it was time to try and get some weight off for health reasons and also for a holiday that was planned the following August.

I've lost 60lbs since then and not being very tall - that’s a big bodyfat percentage for me! I did it by doing things like using online tools for calorie and food calculations- helping me work out ratios, adjust calorie intake, increase activity etc. All done at a gradual pace making small changes when needed trying to out-trick my slow metabolism.

I looked at some websites for info on fat loss and nutrition and seen that supplements were very expensive with various combinations in them. I thought why not just buy the individual components cheaply and make up my own supplementation combinations such pre or post workout drinks or fat burning stacks that were expensive otherwise.

I began doing some cardio from slow pace walking , cycling and progressing to high intensity interval sprinting!

It obviously done the trick as I managed to without great expense turn myself from a fat couch potato into a champion fitness model winning both the NIFMA Europe Physique and Athletic over 50 categories in 2014.

Having refused to take the statins I had been prescribed by my doctor I now have normal cholesterol levels!

I have also since become a fully qualified gym instructor!

You could make a change to your life - by changing what you eat, start exercising regularly and follow a healthy supplement regime.

For more info just have a look at my training or nutrition /supplement pages to see how it can be done for you too!

All the best in your journey - Kenny

Author's Bio: 

Author's Bio:My name is Kenny McDowell - 50 years young ! I was fat not so long ago and have in just 2 years transformed my physique from what it was losing 60 lbs on the way to become a champion fitness model. To find out how I did it and see if you can do the same - just visit My Story page