Rhabdomyolysis is the breakdown of muscle fibers resulting in the release of muscle fiber contents (myoglobin) into the bloodstream. Some of these are harmful to the kidney and frequently result in kidney damage.
You may have heard of it via ESPN or other news outlets, when 13 football players from the U. of Iowa were hospitalized with this condition. The typical factors that go into this issue are dehydration, external temperatures including heat index, intensity of workouts, level of overall health and baseline endurance, as well as others. Typical symptoms include sore and tender muscles, and especially. . . . dark, “cola-colored” urine.
If young athletes from a major Division I school in top condition be affected by this, what type of effect does it have on 30 or 40 or 50 plus year old marathons, cyclists, triathletes or other endurance sport participants who are not prepared for such events?
Many of us have either seen others or read about those who test the laws of biochemistry and overall health. They don’t train or train poorly, refuse to partake in proper nutrition , dismiss recovery and end up sick, injured or hospitalized. Sometimes it happens a couple of days after. Sometimes 2 months, but eventually the bill must be paid, so to speak.
The great news is that this major problem is preventable. Follow the basic, often repeated guidelines:
1. Establish a consistent training program and adjust if needed. Get with a coach if needed. Train with an experienced group if you are a newbie.
2. Get ample amounts of rest. The body can do amazing feats, provided you allow it to recover properly.
3. Proper nutrition . This one goes without staying, but have seeing samples of diets, it is worth repeating. Be sure you are also adding additional minerals, trace minerals and electrolytes.
4. Proper recovery. I love Hammerite Recovery (mainly due to its high L-Glutamine content) and use it after every track or running session. There are others that are excellent too. Find the one that works for you.
5. Focus on optimal hormonal balance. Focus on the “Big 5 ” – DHEA, HGH , Adrenal hormons, Insulin and sex hormones. Use supplementation, food, rest and weight training to achieve balance and ideal levels.
6. Hydration. . . and not just water.
If symptoms stated above occur, medical assistance is IMMEDIATELY needed. I.V. drip, sickle cell testing and hospitalization are the usual and expensive options.
Isn’t prevention so much easier?!

David Orman

Author's Bio: 

David is a Wellness Entrepreneur, Expert and Educator.