I bet you are loving your handheld gadgets. Let us take, for example, the mobile phone. I am thinking it's no longer enough that it be able to send messages and make calls. Now we also take into consideration what the other features and apps are that have been included in the gadget. It is also a factor how they should be able to be susceptible to the addition of apps later on. But we pay more attention to the end result or the end product. We rarely give a thought about the manufacturing or development process. The process is called mobile application development.

The mobile industry has started to advance, spurred on by the arrival of the iPhone. Soon enough the competition among developers and manufacturers of mobile devices became so stiff as they tried to outdo each other. Consumers are greatly benefited by such a show of competitive spirit. Basically, mobile application development involves all the thoughts and processes that go into the creation and development of the various application software found in small handheld gadgets and devices. These devices include mobile phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs), among others.

Users get their mobile apps in various ways. The apps could already be installed on the gadgets even while the manufacturing stage of the devices are under way. They could also be installed during the purchasing stage. Or they could download the mobile apps from various distribution platforms straight to their phones. Considering the surge of mobile application developers nowadays, it is understandable why downloading and file-sharing seem to be the most common mode of acquiring these apps. Developing mobile applications would not be successful without the proper tools. These tools will be made use of from the planning until the end of the development process. The tools can be found in the integrated development environments or IDEs found within the different mobile application platforms.

The most common and popular platforms for mobile applications include J2ME (Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition), Android, Symbian, Windows Phone and Windows Mobile. Developers will make use of these tools to write the applications. The developmental tool costs vary; some even come for free.

What follows is testing the mobile applications within the development environment. Emulators are used to initially test these mobile apps since they are relatively inexpensive and simple to use. It will then be followed by field testing. Here the mobile apps will be deployed into the target platform environment. The mobile apps will eventually get to the end users in this environment.

If you want proof of just how much mobile application development has grown and advanced, you need only look at the application stores and markets. The application stores have a wide array of mobile apps to choose from.

Author's Bio: 

Mappsolutely is actually a major Application Development company. So that you can know more regarding how to build an app for android , check out www.mappsolutely.com