“You can’t always get what you want . . . . . . but you get what you need.” - The Rolling Stones
Mission Statement, Objective, Action Plan, Timelines
The Art of Accountability
Manifesting Dreams
into Reality
By Jo Anne Bishop, PhD, MPA
Mission statement – an expression of our intention or central purpose. A mission statement provides an overall context for our goal.
Objective – a statement of specific measurable desired results that can be accomplished in a measured amount of time or timeline.
Goal - an aim or a desired result.
Action plan – a description of steps which enables us to declare how, when, where and by whom action will be taken to reach a desired objective.
Timeline - a time interval that creates structure, measurability and accountability to an action plan.
Accountability - a willingness to be responsible for commitments that are made without blame or guilt.
Responsibility - an accountability for the consequences that take place in life based upon our behavior , actions, decision-making and commitments.
The benefit of these six components used in daily life is that they provide an opportunity to test the feasibility of reaching a dream or goal. Without accountability and responsibility an action plan cannot provide the structure necessary to manifest the vision of the mission statement and objective. Action plans allow for reevaluation of intentions, commitments and willingness to accomplish goals when challenged by obstacles. Some times what we think we want is not what we need. Our need represents our desire to create. Unless we have a need or desire we will not be able to implement the mission, the objective or the action plan. Often, our action plan and mission statement have to be reevaluated for feasibility because we sometimes commit to more than is manageable. Timelines allow us to see the wisdom of our decisions. They allow us to reevaluate our action plan and revise the plan if the initial goal was too ambitious. Success relies on our ability to reevaluate and recommit to a plan of action, regardless if it worked as initially designed or not.
Mission statement: Increase title sales by ten percent in 2009.
Objective: To close 300 transactions by December 31, 2009.
Example of an Action Plan:
• Maintain contact with my a, b and c client list on a weekly basis not later than Friday of each week.
• Return all client calls by 5 pm daily.
• Create an email campaign for clients in a, b and c categories sent out by the 15th and 30th of each month.
• Contact five past clients by telephone or in person by Friday of each week.
• Identify ten new perspective clients monthly.
• Contact two new perspective clients weekly.
• Develop seminars, client gatherings or lunches quarterly.
• Develop support or a copartner to hold me accountable to the action plan.
• Take care of emotion or physical well being through exercise , which may include walking or working out a minimum of three times per week.
• Attend at least one outside meeting per month such as a chamber of commerce or rotary business association meeting to develop a network.
Without an action plan and persistence, you will not be able to determine if your goal is obtainable. Success will evade you.
When a mission statement, objective and action plan are completed, you will have clarified your intention to create your goals and declared your desire for success.
In clarifying our action plan, we may begin to see the obstacles, resistance or feasibility of the goal and the steps that need to be taken incrementally. As we see the possible obstacles, we can reevaluate the action plan, change it to make it workable and recommit to the new plan.
The process of research, reconsideration of action plan, reevaluation of timelines, recommitment to the new plan and goals on a weekly and monthly basis is a Major Key to Success.
She developed Strategic, Integrated Success Strategies to support people in developing the powerhouse that lies within them through their subconscious and conscious minds. This program is a state-of-the-art, fast paced learning tool that increases her clients ability to access the creativity, innovatiion, widsom, and clarity that is offered by the intuitive gifts within each individual and at the same time anchor this informatiion with the crystal clear, linear skills of the rational mind. New brain research is finally catching up with what ancient spiritual teachers have taught for centuries:
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