You’ve been hired with a new company. Your trainer is moving up, moving on, or moving out of the business. If you are lucky, the person being replaced will be around for at least a couple of weeks to train in the various duties of the position. Sometimes, the person has already left or has only a couple of days to show you the ropes. In order to make the transition as smooth as possible, without losing workplace productivity , many companies have discovered a vital tool. Mentoring in the workplace plays a vital role in corporate training and employee retention.

Shared Experiences

Mentoring employees is an excellent method used to increase employee productivity . Businesses will naturally be more successful, if they work like a well-oiled machine. Coworkers exchange knowledge and ideas, in order to improve performance for all. For example, the new employee brings previous experiences and ideas to the table. Likewise, the more seasoned employees share information about the business and how duties have been carried out to this point. Mentoring makes sure that no one is left high and dry, and basically an island unto themselves in the workplace.

An Ongoing Process

Generally, training commences for a week or two; then, the new employee is left to figure out any confusing job related issues alone. Meaningful engagement may not be truly accomplished for weeks. However, employees mentoring employees is essential to build connections across people. For example, if a new hire has a question or problem, who will be the best resource to successfully complete a project; or what people will make the best team to create and develop a venture that will benefit the company and increase employee productivity ? It is an ongoing process that ultimately enables a company to rise above the competition.

Building Relationships

Essentially, workplace mentoring is all about building relationships. Not only does the sharing of knowledge and experiences help increase employee productivity, but it will also improve how well employees work together. An engaged employee is a productive employee. Positive work relationships are a positive benefit for everyone in the office. If people work well together and have developed great relationships through mentoring, employee turnover is also likely to be reduced. Not only does it save the expense of training a new employee so often, but workplace productivity will continue to improve as well.

In summary, mentoring in the workplace does play a vital role in corporate training . Several benefits will ultimately help a business become more profitable. Conversely, there is no downside to improving workplace productivity, building important connections between employees, sharing knowledge and experience, and making sure that all of the employees are engaged as part of a team with a common goal. It is a win-win situation for everyone.

Training is only temporary and often not sufficient to create a comfortable employee in a new workplace. Regardless of the level of understanding and engagement, the sessions come to an abrupt end. However, workplace mentoring is an ongoing process that continues and is paid forward, when another new employee joins a successful team.

Copyright, Cecile Peterkin. All Rights Reserved.

Author's Bio: 

Cecile Peterkin, a Certified Career Coach, Corporate Mentor and Speaker, helps businesses leverage the mind-share of retiring Baby Boomers and senior managers, and transfer it to the next generation of leaders with her ProMentoring program. For more information visit