The last 2 issues were about surrendering
(releasing the need to be in control) andabout allowing (being open to what you're
told). This is about trust.
Many people have trust issues. They
don't trust themselves, their partners,
their family
, their friends, their bosses,
coworkers, employees, etc. They may have
been abandoned as children or something
equally as horrible for a child to endure.
The trust I am talking about here is not
like the trust you place in another. It is
way beyond that and is far less risky. This
type of trust will never steer you in the
wrong direction and will never let you down.
In the context of Surrender, Allow and Trust
(S.A.T.), trust is very much like faith
It is an internal knowing that something
your intuition
is telling you will happen
even though there is no evidence or logical
reason to believe that it will come true.
In other words, you need to put yourself,
your situation, your life completely in
the hands of the unknown, fully believing
that you will be cared for and that what
you need will be provided...without exception.
Trusting the process completely means going
the distance until your desired goal has
been achieved. It is not an active process
in that there isn't anything that you need
to do.
Trusting, just like surrendering and
allowing is a state of being. When you are
someone who trusts, that will lead you to do
what a trusting person does and that will
enable you to have what a trusting person has.
Trust takes commitment. Trust takes courage.
Trust takes a strong conviction in your beliefs.
If you don't trust the process completely, it
won't work. If you don't trust that the outcome
will be a miracle, you will block the process
and you will not receive a miracle.
Shakti Gawain says in her article entitled,
Art of Following Intuition
"It's a matter of trusting that even when
things are not going exactly the way you
expected, there is a deeper perfection in
the process. New forms of relationship,
, work, and home will come into
being and they will reflect your growth
and development."
People are afraid to trust because they are
afraid it won't work or they're afraid to
lose control or they're afraid they may
succeed. Whatever the reason, you must not
let fear dictate what you do and what you
don't. Fear is a dream killer, a soul
imprisoner, a victimizer.
You are better than your fear!
So, that's it for this issue my friend. May
you be blessed beyond belief and may all of
your dreams
and your success come true. And
may everything you wish for be the least that
you get.
Until next issue...
To your success,
Darshan G. Shanti - The 24 Hour Champion
Darshan is an expert in human motivation, behavior change and rapid transformation. He is a 20-year veteran in the field of personal and professional development. He is an ontologist, facilitator, trainer, author and transformational speaker. He is the President of Freedom Incorporated, Inc., a revolutionary, innovative company dedicated to supporting organizations and people all over the world to help them to achieve their highest potential.
Darshan has a unique ability to very quickly empower participants to change their own minds about who they are and what's possible for themselves, both now and in the future. When they change their own minds, their change is permanent, leaving them free to make new decisions, take new actions and create new, powerful and fulfilling lives.
From Fortune 100 corporations such as Baxter Pharmaceuticals, to small mom and pop companies, school systems and prison systems, across the United States, he has worked with and inspired over 30,000 people.