One unique characteristic about a potential customer that visits trade show displays is that they are actually looking to learn more about products and services available in their community, and often they will actual purchase products or services while at a trade show. But even if they don't buy, chances are they at least have you on their radar for future purchases they may need down the line.

However, no business wants to set up trade show displays every day. What you do want is to make the most of your trade show booths in order to leave the best impression possible, sell as much of your products and services as your can, and create and strengthen your customer relationships in a way that will build both your business and your reputation.

One of the most efficient ways to get set up at a trade show is with a pop-up display. No matter what the size of your business you can use a pop-up display to draw attention to your trade show booths. These displays come in different sizes. Some are large and are set up on the floor, and others can be set up on a tabletop.

When you choose a pop-up display, you have the convenience of being able to get set up very quickly and also pack up very quickly. Chances are, once you experience the increase in business that trade show displays have historically provided, you will want to reuse your display for other trade shows as you continue to expand your customer base.

While your display will play a big part in bringing potential customers to your booth, it is also important to make a great impression once they have arrived in your area. Giving things away that seem valuable to your potential customers is a good tactic to use. Depending on your business, giving away logo products such as pens, cups, shirts, or refrigerator magnets can all be good ways to plant the idea of your brand into a customer's mind while they are in a purchasing mood.

Customers also appreciate free samples and coupons that can be used for later use. Another popular tactic is to take down names and email addresses for your mailing list. Many people will be glad about new products and services you may decide to offer down the line. As an extra incentive, you can offer a raffle, where you give something away with a little higher value in order to get more names on your list.

Going out of your way to make a visit to your trade show booth a fun and interesting experience will help assure that your customers will leave a trade show having had a positive experience, even if they don't buy anything that day. You have to sell yourself before you can sell your product or services, and regularly participating in trade shows is a great way to keep making the connections and building the relationships you need.

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