Many people have been have been inspired by the buzz about a very recognizable TV producer’s search for the next big TV show host! If this sounds familiar, you already know I am talking about Oprah. Whether you are going for Oprah’s contest, or you have your sights set on other networks that would be more appropriate to you than Oprah’s OWN network, shooting that pitch video is a great idea. But it can be tricky!

There are a few essential things that you should know; some of these things are insider realities from the casting perspective. I’ve been on that side, looking for star talent that will blow my project out of the water, and I can tell you the brutal realities of what it’s like in that seat! So many things can make or break your video pitch:

One of the basic tips I can share is this…

Put your best stuff up front.

This comes from that casting office perspective that I mentioned earlier. Just like any presentation, consider your audience first. In this case, the “audience” is a busy casting office, and, specifically, a poor chap who has been sitting in font of his monitor watching hundreds of faces talking at him for many hours.

Casting reality check: Producers like Oprah don’t sit through all the submission; all videos are screened and only the most promising make it to the producer at all!

The folks at the casting office want you to be great, but they need you to be great fast. Imagine how long it would take if they actually watched every video all the way through? It doesn’t happen, so don’t try tPo be “artsy” or “different” and put your best stuff at the 2 minutes-and-thirty second mark…it will not get seen.

Take your first 20 seconds and fill them with energy, ideas and whatever makes you different! Show that passion , and show the possibilities for many years of programming! Remember, your idea needs to be long-lasting, and if it can reach other countries, so much better! Think big picture.

Don’t forget to show your personality and humor; producers want your show to last for a long time, but they are human, too, and would prefer to work with someone they like!

Author's Bio: 

Sandra Dee Robinson has spent all of her adult life in front of a camera: initially an actor (including major roles on Another World, Sunset Beach, Bold and the Beautiful, General Hospital, Days of Our Lives, guest star on Two and a Half Men, Criminal Minds, Secret Life of an American Teenager and TV movies). She sidelines acting with TV hosting and being a product spokesperson. For the past several years, Sandra has been coaching entertainment reporters and television hosts and she founded Charisma on Camera media training studio to expand her clientele to professionals in any field. She currently assists authors, life coaches, politicians, actors, and business professionals who want to build confidence in the telling of their message and/or they are preparing to utilize TV or Web as a platform to establish themselves as an expert guest, or even host their own show. Sandra loves finding the unique quality in each individual that can magnetize an audience, and watching her clients’ confidence on camera soar as they polish their personal brand for increased recognition and success.