Heart failure is an unfortunate condition which occurs due to inability of the heart to supply sufficient blood flow to meet the needs of the body. In simpler words, heart must work harder to deliver the blood to the body. In few cases, it happens when the heart can’t fill the enough blood and in other cases it takes place when the heart can’t pump the blood to the body with adequate force. There are some cases when some people suffer from both problems. The most common symptoms of heart failure are suddenly feeling tired, shortness of breath and swelling in legs.

Failure of heart doesn’t mean that heart completely stop or fail but it is a serious problem that requires proper medical treatment. Although, it is dangerous problem, safe and effective treatments are available. Today, many treatments are available to feel you better and make you healthy. One successful treatment of this major problem is ‘Cardiac Surgery’ which is done to rectify the difficulty of heart. This surgery can be performed on both adult as well as children. Types of cardiac surgery include bypass surgeries, angioplasty, stents, heart valve replacements, and heart transplants. These are few conditions that can lead to heart failure (In French attaque cardiaque )

Coronary heart disease - This is most common cause of heart failure and causing barrier to the coronary arteries prevents blood flow therefore, oxygen delivery to the heart. This is happen due to high cholesterol, diabetes, hypertension and smoking. heart attack

High bold pressure- If blood pressure is equal or above to 140/90 mmHg, it is considered to be high. Because of high blood pressure heart word harder and if one do not take proper treatment, it will damage the heart and lead to heart failure(In French maladie cardio ).

Diabetes- Very old high blood glucose can distress nerves and blood vessels that can cause the heart damage and failure.

Heart valve disease- This condition occurs when the valve between the chambers of heart are defective due to birth defect or injury. A number of situations, including aging can damage the heart valves.

High blood cholesterol- High level of cholesterol in the blood can injure the blood vessels and fasten plaque buildup that leads the damage and failure of heart.

Heart muscle diseases- Any infection or injury to the heart muscles or present by birth can also become a major cause of heart damage.

Arrhythmias or irregular heartbeats- This is also present at birth due to heart disease or heart defects.

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