Success is never about luck, it is about having and applying a proven system, which is functional and repeatable. As soon as you have developed your system, which you consistently apply in your life, the positive results will begin to flood into your experience. If you continue to blunder from day to day, stagger from month to month, without a system and a set of success routines to support you. You will once again reach the end of 2012, still trapped in that unsatisfactory and unfulfilling place you have found yourself at the end of the past few years.

The first and most crucial part of your system is to discover, if where you are going, is in fact where you want your life to go. This clarity of vision will allow you to be absolutely clear about the direction you want your life to go. You achieve this by understanding what success really means to you and then refining and defining your vision, until you are 100 % sure that your vision is aligned with this picture. If you do not have clarity of purpose and vision, it doesn’t matter if your alarm doesn’t go off in the morning. You can just continue to coast through life and disappear into a cloud of average. As you know, you can only coast in one direction.

Action Idea: When you wake up in the morning, do not push the snooze button. Rather wake up and read an educational or inspirational book. If you invested just 9 minutes every day, to read a developmental book, you could read about five pages every day. These five pages a day, would compound into about 1500 pages a year. The average human development book is about 250 pages long, so by introducing this simple new success routine into your life, where you read for only 9 minutes a day, means that you can read about 6 developmental books a year.

The easiest way to program your mind to search for the right people, resources and everything you need to achieve your dreams , is to set meaningful goals, which are aligned with your vision. You can only unlock the gold mine of all the possibilities available to you, if you have a goal driven mind. The more clarity you can write into your goals, the greater the possibility that you will achieve or exceed the outcomes you desire.

A poorly drawn blue print will often result in a poorly constructed structure. The same is true for your life, poorly thought out and goals and bad or no planning will result in less than desirable results. Your mind is an incredible bio computer, it struggles to understand and deal with vague ideas or concepts. It is best inspired, driven and activated by specifics, detail and clarity. The greater the clarity you build into your goal setting and planning process, the more effective you will be and performing your daily activities will be far easier.

Action Idea: Invest some time over the next few days to get clarity in your mind about what you really want to achieve in 2012. Does this vision align with your concept of what success really means to you? Now turn this vision into possibility by designing goals that are aligned with your vision. Next break your goals back into smaller bite size chunks or projects. These projects are smaller in size, feel more achievable and can be achieved in shorter time frames. This helps to keep you inspired as you seem to consistently be making progress.

Examine each project and break each one back into individual action steps, which you can carry out each day. These action lists are now your source documents that will drive your daily activities.

Focus and clarity always precedes success, so create a crystal clear vision and purpose statement, which will serve as the engine to drive your willpower. This will be the fuel, which will drive your daily discipline, so that you will have the willpower to do everything you need to do to succeed Stop waking up each day with no plan or expectation, just looking to see what happens. Wake up each day, with purpose and vision and you will keep making significant progress toward the success you desire.

Author's Bio: 

Andrew is an expert and master teacher that speaks and teaches self-leadership, expanded awareness, effectiveness, efficiency and productivity. He guides individuals and business professionals, to identify, prioritise and carry out the right activities, consistently, so that they can maximise their personal effectiveness and deliver their best; on time, every time. All the tools and techniques Andrew teaches; have been tested in the laboratory of his own life and the many successful businesses he has owned and led, over the past 20 years. These strategies have seen Andrew achieve financial independence and reach a point of harmonious balance in all areas of his life. His purpose is to help as many people as possible, achieve similar or better results and to show them how they can realise their full potential, both personal and professionally and to help them live a meaningful life, where they are fulfilled in all areas.