It happens to all of us from time to time. We catch sight of ourselves in the mirror or we hear acomment someone makes about us and we realise with a shock that our looks are not quite what we thought they were. Or maybe you were raised in a family obsessed with weight and food issues, where comments were regularly passed about people's bodies ( and usually in a negative way. "Oh my God did you see the size of that woman!" etc)
What if you could love yourself right now? What would it take for you to accept yourself exactly as you are right now? If I were to ask you to define beauty for me what would you say? would it be a list of numbers as in " A beautiful person is one who weighs x or has a BMI of y" or would you say that beauty comes from within?
So if true beauty is not a number or a size or a shape, why can't you love your thighs, belly, bum, boobs now??
How much more attractive would you be if you realised that who you are is enough right now, exactly as you are today? We judge ourselves so harshly, well before others have a chance to, when we should be as loving to ourselves as we are to our dearest friends.
You are beautiful. You are a shining light of love and yet you deny it and focus on parts of your body that you feel don't measure up. Noone else even notices those parts of you. They see the true you shining in all your glory and radiance. They see your beauty. Now if you could just take off your glasses, your filters and truly look at yourself, you would see it too.
Check out my website for a coming workshop on helping women love themselves.

Author's Bio: 

Caitlin Grace EFT practitioner and Wellbeing Coach.
Caitlin has been in the alternative therapy field for all of her adult life, most recently practising EFT. She is an accredited Journey therapist, Reiki level 3. EFT practitioner and Feng shui consultant.
Caitlins diving passion is to help people live their best lives through empowering them to take charge of their own wellbeing. She is a strong advocate of the mind body connection and believes we can only be truly well when we have let go of our underlying limiting beleifs.