Air Element – Loving Thoughts
Breathing togetherExpressing appreciation
Having a positive mind

Fire Element – Loving Actions
Feeling each other’s heartMoving with grace
Reflecting Love in our behaviors

Water Element - Loving Relationships
Honoring healthy valuesBeing sensitive to each other
Sharing is caring

Earth Element – Loving Expression
Embracing the loving sensationsFeeling each others body
Nurturing wellbeing

Ether Element – Love it All
Honoring each others pathSurrendering
Be love

Join us! We offer a dharmic online coaching session on 5 February 2018 at 7:00PM EST “Navigate Life with Love"See Event Listing on Christelle's profile page.

Author's Bio: 

Christelle Chopard is the Founder of the DHARMI® METHOD, for holistic healing and self-development. A GPS for your life, the DHARMI Method is based upon positive intentions, the Five Elements, Seven Frequencies and wholesome values. As an author, her first publication was a collaborative book in 2000 in Argentina. Christelle Chopard supports and inspires people to access their own truth, to develop their own potential and to manifest their vision. At this time three of her books are published on Amazon