Pippali is one of the most widely used Ayurvedic herb. The botanical name is Piper Longum and it belongs to the family Piperaceae. In english it is called Longa Pepper. It is primarily made up of volatile oils, resin, Piperine, Piperlongumine, Pipperin, Pippalartin, Piplartine.

The fruit of this Long Pepper plant is commonly known as Pippali and its root is called as Pippali Mool. In addition to being something that helps people's stress and sleep conditions, Piper Longum reconciles the digestive functions and relieves the problems related to, dyspepsia, anorexia, abdominal pain, flatulence, acidity etc. It is also useful as a brain tonic.

Piperine is a substance found in the plant Piper Longum. Black pepper Oleoresin or Long pepper Oleoresin is used as the source of Piperine.

Researchers proved that Piperine may be serve as a potential functional food to improve brain function. Ref. Food and Chemical Toxicology, volume 46, Issue 9, Sept. 2008. Pages 3106-3110

Researchers proved that Piperine possesses potent anti-depressant like properties that are mediated in part through the inhibition of MAO activity and therefore, represent a promising pharmacotherapeutic candidate as anti-depressant agent. Ref. Chemical and pharmaceutical Bulletin vol 53 (2005), No7832.

Seon A lee, Seong Su Hong, Xiang Hua Han, Ji Sang, H Wang, Gabjinoh, Kyong, Soon Lee, Myung Koolee, Bang Yeon Hwang and Jai Seup Ro.
1. College of Pharmacy Chungbuk University Korea.2. Samjin Pharmacy Co. Ltd.
3. Research Centre for Bioresaource and Health, Chungbuk National University Korea.

Piper Longum is widely used in Ayurvedic and Unani System of Medicine particularly for diseases of respiratory systems like bronchitis, asthma, stress relief, sleep disruptions etc.

Piperine increases thermogenesis. It also improves the bioavailability of the nutritive substances such as beta carotene, Curcumin selenium, Pyroxidine (B6), glucose and amino acids.

Piperine relieves inflammation, pain and asthma improves digestion and improves production of Serotonin a phenolic amine neurotransmitter, is a powerful vasoconstrictor and is found esp. in the brain, blood serum and gastric mucous membrane of mammals and to known as also 5-HT. 5 – hydroxytryamine.

In Mexico for instance, it is used to treat stomach aches.Scientific research has yielded preliminary evidence which suggests that Piperine may aid in the digestion of food.

Systemic pharmacological studies on Piperine show that this compound elicited diverse pharmacological activities, analgesic, ant-pyretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-convulsion and CNS depressant activities.

As per Ayurveda , piper Longum is an important Medhya-Rasayana. It also helps to improve memory power.

Dehydropiperoneive, isolated from dried fruits, displayed coronary vasodilating activity. Ref. (Shivarajan VV and Indra Balachandran, Ayurvedic Drugs and their plant sources, 1994, 374, Shoj N, et al 1986, Dehydropiperonaline isolated fron Piper longum, Jour Pharm Sci ,75 (12) 1188-1189; Dhar KL, Recent Advances in Chemistry of Piper,cf Research and Dev of Indi Drugs ,1989, 81; Satyavati GV , et al, Medicinal Plants of India Vol II ,1987,434;Gopalan,et al nutritive value of Indian foods 1984,85)

Piperine, an active alkaloid constituent of the extract from Piper Longum, was evaluated for its antihepatotoxic potential. The plant principle exerted significant protection against tert. Butylhydroperoxide and carbon tetrachloride hepatotoxicity, thought it showed a lower potency than silymarin (Koul B and Kapila, 1993, Planta Medica, v59(5), 413-417.

Studies at Regional Research Lab CSIR Jammu, have established that it is Piperine that affects the bioavailability of drugs. The doses of many potent drugs can be drastically reduced when mixed with Piperamides (Dhar KL, 1989, Recent advances in the chemistry of Piper)

A marked anti-inflammatory activity of piper Longum fruit decoction against carrageenin induced rat paw odema was reported by Sharma and Singh, 1980. (Bull Med Ethnobot Res, 2, 262).

Piper Longum given to women after parturition to check hemorrhage and to ward off fever. Its infusion is considered stimulant, carminative, diuretic, vermifuge and emmenagogue. (Nadkarni KM, IMM, 965-8). Also used as cholagogue in obstruction of the bile duct and gall bladder. Possesses analgesic properties. (Asima Chatterjee, The treatise on Indian Medicinal Plants, Vol l , 1991,28)Ref: Indian Herbal Therapies By C.P. Khare, Bhavprakash Nighantu, Glossary of Phytochemicals Edited by Amritpal Singh Saroya Charak Samhita Sutrasthan 2,25,27,29

Product that have Long pepper along with Nutmeg and Ashwagandha are known to help relieve stress and help people with sleep problems. A boon to insomniacs. As a combination these products provide a synergistic effect.

Dr. Veena Deo, B.A.M.S. (M.D.)Dr. Veena Deo is an Ayurvedic Doctor in India. All the information provided above and opinions expressed above are her own and should not be construed as medical advise. This information is provided for educational purposes only.

Author's Bio: 

Main Areas: Ayurveda, Herbal supplements and formulations
Career Focus: Teaching, Ayurvedic Chemist, new products development
Education: B.A.M.S., M.D.(Ayurveda); 1984 Nagpur University, India.


Consultant on new herbal products development with Herbal Destination, New York.

Worked as a Medical Officer in “Matru-Sewa-Sangh” Nagpur 1987-88.
Worked as a Research officer in Datta Meghe’s Medical College, Wardha 1989-92.
Food & Drugs Cosmetic-Act-1940, Approved chemist from 1996.


Presented paper in International conference “Update Ayurveda” at K.E.M. Hospital Mumbai on “Efficacy of herbomineral formulation on Diabetes”.
Presented paper in International conference “Role of Indian Medicinal Plants” at Banaras Hindu University on “Management of Diabetes”.
Present paper on “Pain Management” in National Conference at Nagpur.
Presented paper in National Symposium on Research Methodology in Ayurveda Field, Pune.
Regular contributor of articles on Ayurvedic Topics to various magazines.
Talk shows on Radio & TV on Ayurvedic Topics, mostly relating to women's Health Problems.