The kidneys are present in the renal system, placed just below the ribs. They are two-bean shaped organs with one on each side of the spine. The main function of these organs is to filter out the waste(liquid) and eliminate it out of the body in the form of urine.

The kidney is prone to several diseases like kidney stones, caliectasis, acute, nephritis, kidney cysts, chronic kidney diseases, uremia,urinary infections, etc. While most of them can be treated via medicines and surgery, in case of a kidney failure treatment also known as the end-stage renal disease(ESRD), the only option is a kidney transplant. However, there are a few government owned hospitals in Kenya that offer low-cost treatments. Now before we list down all such hospitals both in Kenya and in India that offer kidney transplant, let’s discuss what are the symptoms that your kidney might be failing and what are the main causes:
Abnormal urination (too less or too much urination) since the kidney is failing to perform its functions
Since body fluid is unable to be removed, hence swelling and pain in joints /legs/ankles
Difficulty in breathing
Tiredness and/or fatigue
Chest pain
What can cause a kidney failure:
Excessive alcoholism
Drug abuse
Genetic diseases
Urinary problems
Diseases like lupus, lgA nephropathy
Heart Attack
Disturbed blood flow to the kidneys
Diabetes (also called Type 2, or adult onset diabetes)
High blood pressure

How is a kidney failure diagnosed?A kidney failure or ESRD can be diagnosed by conducting the following tests:

Blood Test
Urine TestUltrasound
Kidney tissue testing

Government owned Hospital in Kenya for kidney transplant
There aren’t many hospitals in Kenya that can effectively perform kidney transplant. However,
Kenyatta National Hospital which is growing as one of the finest kidney transplant hospitals of the country. But there are many reasons why still many Kenyans consider getting a transplant in India are:

A long waiting list in the Kenyatta Hospital due to limited no. of specialists,
India has a pretty impressive success rate,Low-treatment costs,
Kidney available easily for transplant.

Here are some of the hospitals in India some of which have coordination offices in Kenya too that can arrange a hassle-free kidney transplant process.Some of these hospitals are:

Apollo Hospitals
Sharda Hospitals
Max Super Specialty Hospital Saket
Narayana Superspeciality Hospital
Medanta The Medicity
Fortis Hospital
Artemis Hospital
Manipal Hospital
Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital
Narayana Hospital

When a Kidney Transplant is advised
A person who has lost his/her 80-90% of the normal kidney functioning is advised to get a kidney transplant. The failed kidney is replaced by a new one where the donated kidney is usually from a deceased donor or from a family member who is willing to donate one of his/her kidney.

In a few rare cases of acute kidney failure, an artificial dialysis can help the kidney recover its normal functioning.

Kidney Transplant cost:

One of the many reasons that people from Kenya come to India for a kidney transplant is the low and affordable cost of treatments in the country alongside expert medical support. The approximate cost of kidney transplants cost in India is around $13,000 which is comparatively very low as compared to any other country.

Author's Bio: 

Kartik Kumar medical intern at HBG Medical Assistance learning medical management. I also have passion to write some articles due to which I am also helping my team to write a good article for my company.