Is age a number?Well it does so depend on your point of view.

WC Fields said - you’re only as old as the woman you feelAnd Mae West said – ‘it’s not the men in my life that count, it’s the life in my men!!

It’s like anything it all depends on your mind set

We all know people who were middle aged when they were 20 and 90 year olds (my grandmother at 87 was delivering food to the ‘old people’ up the road – who could probably have given her 15 years – she had beautiful skin, almost totally unlined and was one of the toughest women I’ve ever met) who never seemed to grow old.
We are amazing, beautiful, strong but so often we’ve spent so much being wives, mothers, carers, workers, that we fail to see who we truly are. And when the kids are grown what do we do then? when we have no-one left to look after? How do we manage? We’re not used to ‘looking after ourselves’
All our lives we work on our relationships with others.
Making sure that they are OK, that are children are clothed and fed and secure
That our partner is happy.
That we get on with our work colleagues
That’s what we’re taught as little girls
To be kind to others, to be helpful
Because that’s what little girls do
And when those little girls become big girls, women, what happens ?
We continue –
Pleasing others, caring for them
Look don’t get me wrong – there’s nothing wrong with caring for other people, loving them, wanting the best for them
But sometimes we forget about ourselves
We have great relationships with others
(or sometimes we don’t do we?)
No matter how hard we try to ‘please’ people
It might be child who’s being particularly difficult, a rebellious teenager, a boss who’s never satisfied, a work colleague who’s always bitchy or insensitive, a partner who after so many years just takes us for granted so we’ve become a washing, cooking cleaning machine
Listen I’m painting a really black picture here
And hopefully your life is nothing like that
Everything you do is appreciated by all your relatives, friends, work mates, spouse
I hope it is
But maybe you know of someone who has an awkward partner, child, work mate – who doesn’t have life as good as you
How do you help them? Because let’s face it that’s what you’d automatically want to do – as a good friend, isn’t it?
You’d want to help them
And that’s exactly what I’m saying
Because all our lives someone else has come first
And what about our relationship with ourselves –
Where do we come in the pecking order – if at all?
I can show you how to have a good relationship with yourself
Let me show you how to find your inner self.
It's time to be good to yourself.
Have some fun. You deserve it. Your really do.
Don't look for more to 'do'.
We're human 'be-ings' not human 'do-ings'
I can show you how to enjoy each moment
Live life to its fullest
Be the women you are meant to be
Email me now at

Author's Bio: 

I've been on my own personal development journey for many years, discovering, learning and studying with some of the very best experts in their fields.
I’ve always worked in a people environment helping and advising so it seemed a natural progression for me to move from that to becoming a personal development coach.
I believe very much that unless you re-programme your negative beliefs and thoughts you'll never 'move on' and that could be with relationships, weight loss, health, career, money.
Using the very powerful and effective processes of EFT, NLP, Hypnosis, and Theta Healing, I motivate and steer people toward living the lives they want rather than what they 'should' or been told to. This gives them the opportunity to truly live the life they deserve.
I believe that what we put out there we get back and the only way to improve our lives is by ‘reprogramming’ our mindset.
The 3 greatest internal blocks people have are fear, self doubt and procrastination. When we release those we can be, do, have whatever it is we truly desire.
Like a computer when the 'hardware' isn't congruent with the 'software' no advancement can be made when we are out of sync; and it's the same with our brains. If we say one thing – and believe in our subconscious something totally, different we’ll never make the changes we think we want. Our thoughts and beliefs are what makes us tick so whatever the issue whether it’s relationships, work/career, money, self esteem, confidence; I help people look at what is holding them back and help them release those ties enabling them to go forward with whatever it is they desire. . But it can be a very painful process, the letting go, and people have to be ready and willing to make the changes. Affirmations are wonderful tools but useless without that one major ingredient – Action!
Once you take the Action, are consistent and make the commitment – YOU make it happen
With Persistence plus Confidence YOU equal Success
My greatest joy is seeing the transformation when someone releases their blocks and moves forward.