"Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food" is ancient wisdom that we seem to have forgotten in these modern, high tech times.

In spite of the fact that technology has advanced so phenomenally over the last 100 years, "the human genome is 99.98% the same as it was 40,000 years ago." This means that we virtually have the same biochemical makeup as the people living in the Stone Age. So, the food our body is designed to eat is basically the same type eaten in ancient times.

What we're feeding our bodies today is so far removed from what we were designed to eat that we are suffering for it.

Most of the food on the market is NOT real food. It's processed chemicals, void of nutrients, that does not provide what we need to sustain health. The result is that we in the U.S. are one of the sickest nations in the western world, in spite of supposedly having the best health care system in the world.

We live in a society that expects "a pill for every ill" rather than looking to find the cause of the ailment.

When you drive your car, you put gas in your gas tank. Otherwise, your car wouldn't run. You take your car in for routine service and maintenance to keep it running and make it last longer.

Your body is just like your car. It needs the proper fuel and maintenance. When it doesn't get it, it starts to break down and malfunction. You might first start feeling a little tired and low energy. Then it progresses and the symptoms increase and eventually you get sick.

The big difference between your body and your car is that when your car breaks down beyond repair, you can get a new car. But you can't get a new body!

It's a sad state of affairs that we treat our cars better than we treat our bodies.

We eat nutrient deficient, chemically altered food and we wonder why we're sick. I even read recently that the new trend is to create food out of 100% chemicals. That may be good for the food industry, but it is devastating to your health.

The best way to be healthy, or to regain your health if you've started losing it, is to give your body the fuel it needs; the nourishment it was designed to function efficiently on.

Just like some cars require different types of fuel to run efficiently, your body may require different foods in order for you to be truly healthy.

If you have food sensitivities, your body may not tolerate all the healthy foods available on the market. If you want to be healthy you need to eliminate those intolerant foods, even if they're generally considered extremely healthy. You need to eat the healthy foods YOUR body needs.

So, how do you know if some otherwise healthy foods are unhealthy for you?

If you're not feeling vibrantly alive and healthy, there's a good chance that your state of less-than-optimal-health is due to food intolerance. Unlike food allergies, food sensitivities are widespread, but most people are unaware that they have them.

Some of the common conditions that result from food sensitivities include:

- skin problems
- chronic fatigue
- headaches/migraines
- sore and aching joints
- digestive problems
- overweight/ obesity
- autism
- and lots more

Almost any ailment can be caused by food intolerance. If you've been struggling with health issues that just won't go away, you may just be intolerant to some of your favorite foods. Even if your health issues are minor nagging problems, they can still result from food intolerance. And as long as you continue to eat foods that you are sensitive to, your health problems will continue to persist and your health will decline.

How do you know if you have food sensitivities?

You can try to figure it out by yourself using an elimination diet . However, to be perfectly honest, I have not found one single person who has been successful determining all their food sensitivities, on their own, with the elimination diet .

The best way to find out is to get tested. "The ALCAT Test is the most effective and comprehensive sensitivity/intolerance test available. It is the only test shown to correlate with clinical symptoms by double blind oral challenges, the gold standard."

Note: This is not a substitute for medical advice. If you have health problems, consult your physician.

Author's Bio: 

(c) 2012, Christine H. Farlow, D.C., customizing nutritional programs to meet your unique nutritional needs. Dr. Farlow provides nutritional consultations in her office and by phone. She addresses the cause of your health problems instead of the symptoms. Request a FREE Consultation to learn more about food sensitivities and how the ALCAT Test can help you improve your health at http://christinehfarlowdc.com/ .