Many times we have habits , techniques, skills, and processes that bring results, but we fail to capture them and put them in our respective repertoire to use when needed. We forget they are valuable, or just plain don't see it until it's brought to our attention. As we continue to move forward in business and life, new ones appear and we become more adept at using them in the right situation.

When I started my company in 2001, it became clear that I needed to capture my expertise and experience. You should do this even if you're not a business owner. I reflected on my past work and came up with a common-sense structure you can use to retain and grow your employees, and as a result grow your company, regardless of your specific industry.

So, you ask, what is it? What could possibly benefit everyone in a corporation, association, and organization? In three words: Client Modular Approach™ (CMA).

This structure can be used at every level of a company, an association, and an organization, regardless of your position or job title. To perform at a New Best Level™, daily identify the following:

Who (PERSON and company, association, or organization) is the client or prospect?

Focus on one modular service, task, or activity in conversation and its action/execution. You may haveseveral modules. We are in a diverse universe.

The approach is critical and will use your known strengths and force you to develop new strengths tocompete for goodness.

Put this structure into place from the janitor to the entrepreneur and each employee or member will feel a sense of empowerment . Many times, problems are caused because people are hired to perform a specific skill or task and are not privy to business development and growth activities. Usually, it's the ho-hum statement that what you're doing is important and helps. However, most people would like to know how they can help more people to do more good for a brighter future. This doesn't necessarily equate to working more hours. They want to know how to perform at a New Best Level.

Put CMA to work at each position to see your employees or members work with clarity of purpose, stay motivated, and show business creativity to have the future come roaring to them. The atmosphere will grow! Instead of feeling stagnate and negative, your employees or members will show genuine enthusiasm toward work in their interactions (subconscious, thoughts, verbal, written, body language , and actions).

This means spirit enhancing results and bonuses aren't far away. You'll have fun watching people have fun being productive. It's like taking a happy pill. Everyone will be excited to report to work because this new structure brings a channel for growth. It makes you think and do. You are involving employees in business development and growth and this brings a sense of security and accomplishment, helps them grow, gives them the high of continuous learning , and enables them to work together to form powerful and winning relationships.

Imagine your entrepreneur , president, CEO, VPs, directors, captains, managers, supervisors, team leaders, employees, and assistants clearly identifying their respective Client Modular Approach as the first action item of the business day. It's a lot of fun. I use it daily. You will love the spirit enhancing results and atmosphere! See, all it took were three easy words and the structure they represent: Client Modular Approach.

Keep going to another New Best Level!

Author's Bio: 

Raj Gavurla works with organizations that want more productivity and profitability by improving their mindset, mood, and motivation. He is the author of Winning at Entrepreneurship. Contact him at 404.918.7366, e-mail or visit Copyright 2003 LiiiVEN™. All rights reserved.