The quote “Less is More,” written by the poet Robert Browning in 1855, inspired architect Mies Van der Rohe one of the pioneering masters of modern architecture and Buckminster Fuller inventor, architect, engineer, mathematician, poet and cosmologist. They saw this quote as a guiding force for a new way of viewing our world. Their designs and thinking sparked a new vision. The clean and simple lines, materials and design of “Less is More,” brought about significant changes in a worldview of how we can live with greater clarity and less clutter. Adapting the quote to read “Less is More . . . more or less” reminds us to look at the core appreciations that add more to our lives still opening to beauty , appreciation and pure delight.

To many the “Less is more” motto represents a desire for clarity and simplicity in all things. We want to move away from wasteful excess, and toward powerful efficiency. It is beneficial to remember what has the most meaning, inspiration and importance in our own lives. By adding the phrase “more or less” to Browning's insight, we add a sense of fluidity and flow to our deeper aspirations and values. These core appreciations afford us a greater scope without limiting our vision. We focus on less, which guides us to generate greater ways of being and sharing in the world, becoming more of who we are.

In our business lives, we can go beyond the clutter of accumulation and achieve a clear view of our goals. We can still include the many aspects of our personal philosophy and dedication to life, while keeping the theme and focus clear. As we limit the surplus and confusion of the different ideas and themes that we try to accommodate in valuing inclusion, we bring a new, clearer focus into the synthesis of our core ideals.

How do we apply “Less is more . . . more or less” in our lives and our businesses? How do we bring a clear focus without narrowing our possibility and creativity ? How can we hold the power of clarity and simplicity while encouraging our vision and expansion?


For a Spiritual Bookstore, ‘less is more’ may mean that the design aspects of the displays and the space lead the customer into a greater appreciation of the value of their own life and community. Less objects on the table can provide a clearer vision of the spiritual theme being shared. Several large and vibrationally illuminating crystals may speak to customers with a clearer voice than hundreds of smaller ones. By eliminating an over abundance of objects and focusing on the powerful splendor of several large pieces, the message and beauty is clear without eliminating your customer’s choices.

Spas and Healing Centers are brilliant at using “Less is more . . . more or less” in their design, especially in the healing and treatment rooms. While there is an inherent practicality in this, the clean lines and open spaces provide a restful and healing experience, just upon entering the room. Spas and healing centers do provide a luxurious setting for us to appreciate while we attend to our greater well-being. The simplicity of the whole space and attention to every detail enhances a feeling of luxury without an overindulgence of objects. Applying apply “Less is more . . . more or less” to product displays may enhance purchases. Less distraction and more focus can attract purchases. When we concentrate on simplicity, the flow of abundance compliments our whole experience.

SPACES AND OFFICESSpaces, stores and offices are natural arenas to incorporate “Less is more . . . more or less.” By applying a simpler approach to the design, we personally achieve a more expanded view of our business. We also attract and engage our customers in the more focused theme of spirit, conscious awareness and attention to one’s inner life.

BUYING, SELLING AND RECYCLINGWe can also apply this theme to our business life and our personal life. It becomes a focus on the appreciation of spirit and how we carry that in our lives, in our businesses and in our world. “Less is more . . . more or less” encapsulates recycling, environmental integrity, consciousness and attention. Of course we buy things and where we make our purchases is as important as what we purchase. When we support our local merchants or the stores and people who bring more heart into our lives and community, we simply effect change.

Our conscious choices on products to sell in our businesses or to use in our offices, becomes the momentum for actions and change in a global way. We affect our world in the simple act of where and from whom we buy our toothpaste. Our small act in purchasing products from people with conscious business practices or inspirational vision or true quality in their products or goods with minimum of packaging that needs to be recycled benefits our world in a significant way.

The greater vision of “Less is More” is inspirational. As each of us engages in a clearer vision about who we are as individuals, as a community, as a conscious business and as a global instigator, we bring about conscious change. That is what Browning and Mies, and Bucky meant by “Less is More.” The inspiration and possibility of the future is not enhanced by a constricted view. “Less is More” is visionary. It suggests bringing focus to the All and in a brilliant and personal synthesis, our inspiration can move outward into our lives and our world in a richer and more powerful manner.

Our less, our small act, becomes more. It becomes a grand shift in consciousness and transformation . These small acts have already generated movements of change in our world. Our small conscious choices become the shifts in our own lives and in the world we create. Each singular conscious choice and focus creates a true and conscious world. “Less is more . . . more or less” is not dogmatic. It is liberating. It engages us in rethinking and exploring how our inspiration , motivation and action creates our world – all of it.

Lumari is prominent Spiritual Teacher, Psychic Consultant and Author living in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She provides pragmatic, accurate and confidential psychic and spiritual guidance for an international clientele. She is dedicated to helping her clients and students understand the deeper meanings of their lives and to move gracefully into the joyous expression of their personal fulfillment and spiritual harmony.

© 1997 -2009 Lumari. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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Author's Bio: 

Lumari is prominent Spiritual Teacher, Psychic Consultant and Author living in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She provides pragmatic, accurate and confidential psychic and spiritual guidance for an international clientele. She is dedicated to helping her clients and students understand the deeper meanings of their lives and to move gracefully into the joyous expression of their personal fulfillment and spiritual harmony.

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