We are all different people and we all fit somewhere in the mosaic of life. If any two of us were the same then there would be no need for one of the two. Differences are the spice of life. The insecure person will attempt to ridicule others who are different. The person who is confident doesn’t have any qualms about who they are and their abilities. They don’t have to lash out at those who are different because they are not threatened by those differences. The person who is confident in his or her abilities isn’t worried about what others will see when their abilities are held up to the light of scrutiny. Where do you fit in all of this?

The biggest mistake that any man or woman can make in life is to judge themselves by the abilities of others. Other people are not an accurate standard to use in order to gage where you are. If there was such a thing as a perfect person then we would have a perfect standard. The thing that we miss is the fact that life is not about competing with every other person to see who’s better. Life is about reaching your own maximum potential. Your potential is not they same as the next persons. Your potential is dictated by your God given talents and abilities.

Embrace the things which make you different. God is your judge not man. The personality quirks and characteristics which make you what you are give you unique advantages in life. You owe it to yourself to find out what those advantages are and exploit them to their fullest.

I was once a roving vendor and used to do business with military bases. I took my youngest stepson on a trip with me on one occasion. He is short in stature and looks much younger than his actual age. People would look at him as this cute adorable child who was helping his step dad. You had better believe that he soon began to take full advantage of the situation. He began to assist customers and when he did he really hammed up the role. After he had helped them he would calmly remind them that he was allowed to accept tips and that they were free to leave one. Customers would smile, tell him how cute that he was and give him a tip. He earned about $25.00 in tips the first day. They didn’t realize that the perceived 8 year old kid was really a 13 year old monster.

Now I don’t advocate doing business this way (I did stop him) but I am attempting to show you how he took control of his height and youthful looks and used both to his advantage.

The way that other people think is the result of the reality that they have created for themselves. You need to create your own reality and allow it to guide you through life. Find the way to make your personal assets and characteristics work for you. Don’t try to emulate other people. Find your own flow and roll with it. You have a flow whether you realize it or not. You just have to find out what and where it is.

Find your own niche in life and roll with it. Learn how to follow the path of least resistance and allow it to take you to your destiny. The Good Life

Author's Bio: 

Cedric Rice is the founder of Riceland Enterprises, which is composed of several different business ventures. This company is currently located in Georgia.
Riceland Enterprises of several web sites that Mr. Rice owns and operates which is oriented towards consumers along with Military Ring Express , and Fragrance Oil Express