Biotin, which is responsible for improving the health of the skin, nerves, digestive tract, metabolism and cells, is popularly known as vitamin B8.

It is a very important compound in the metabolic process to synthesize and degrade fats and some amino acids. It is soluble in the water that the bacteria in our intestines make in the process of digestion.

Vitamin B8 for healthy hair is the key. It brings strength, vitality and shine to the hair giving it the life it has lost through multiple damages over time.

The health of the skin is also treated with biotin. Maintaining a balanced diet and also consuming foods rich in vitamin B8 will make you look smooth and moisturized.

The intake of vitamin B8 can also treat skin diseases such as dermatitis or chronic diseases (kidney failure or diabetes). This vitamin, combined with chromium helps reduce blood sugar levels and promote the production of insulin.

By helping in the degradation of fats and cholesterol prevents the onset of cardiovascular diseases and provide greater energy and vitality for their participation in cell production.

There are many foods that contain vitamin B8 or biotin, it is important to know and implement them in our daily diet . Well, these will not only improve the appearance of your skin, but also make your body healthy and beautiful.

Foods that contain vitamin B8 or Biotin

You can get both products of animal origin and fruits and vegetables. These foods not only contain high levels of vitamin B8 or biotin, but they are also rich in B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, folic acid, inositol, choline, and B12).

Something key is to take into account the importance of a balanced diet , rich in fiber, protein and calories.

Leaving behind bad habits such as vices and avoiding a sedentary life is essential to have a life full of good health.

The main food rich in vitamin B8 is the egg. The liver, is another food full of magnificent properties, among these its high amounts of vitamin B8 or biotin.

You have to be very careful when buying liver and meats in general. In recent times the use of hormones and pesticides from large livestock industries has increased.

It is advisable to be vigilant to avoid consuming components harmful to health.

The brewer’s yeast, bran and wheat germ are rich in vitamin B. In addition to helping regulate the stomach and bowel movements when constipation occurs.

Oatmeal, apart from being a food rich in fiber, helps with the appearance of the skin. Another food rich with this vitamin B and folic acid is cauliflower.

Combining these foods with other healthy ingredients to ensure a balanced diet is essential for a healthier life. Eating healthy is a habit that we should all implement in our daily lives, so we will avoid taking risks and suffer from diseases that could cost us our lives.

Author's Bio: 

Hasan Root, a dream lover