It is important to know that there is a huge difference between the diet recommendations between a small breed puppy and a large breed puppy like german shepherd or labrador. And, this is something that many puppy owners don’t realize. It is important to make sure that you aware of the large breed puppy diet so that you can give him the best dry puppy food. People are mistaken to think that you can give normal puppy food to large breed puppies. These are the information that you need to know about large breed puppy diet recommendations.

Know the nutrients requirements

The first thing that you need to know before you are going out to purchase puppy food, is to know that the large breed puppy diet is a lot different from the smaller breed puppies. They need food that will ensure that they are getting all the necessary nutrients to grow healthy.Calcium is the first nutrients that you should make sure about, for your large breed puppy. The calcium weight content should be between 0.7%-1.2%. Energy is the next thing that you should look at when purchasing puppy food for large breed puppies. They need a lot more energy than the smaller breed. So, the energy kcal/kg of food should remain in the 3200 to 3800 range. Protein is the third important nutrients that you should look at before purchasing puppy food. It should have 15%- 27% protein in the dry food for large breed puppy’s diets.

Choosing the right dog food

Now, that you know the number of nutrients that you should look for, you should make sure that you are purchasing the right quality dog food. Purchasing the dog food from the supermarket might not give you the nutrients you need for your large breed puppy diet.This is why it is recommended that you are purchasing the dry dog food from a vet. They will ensure that you are purchasing the right dog food for your large breed puppy. And, you will be able to know for sure that you are giving your puppy a right start with the right amount of nutrients it needs to have. When you are purchasing the dog food from the supermarket, you should double check the nutrients information on the back of the dog food. And, you should remember the nutrients information that we discuss earlier in the article.

Feeding time

There are recommended feed amounts for your puppy per day. However, this doesn’t mean that you should give your puppy that amount of food three times a day. This is going to overfeed your puppy.The recommended food amount on the package is for daily use. So, you should divide that amount between two or three feedings. Don’t give it all at once. The dog will eat it all at once and this can cause serious health problems later on. It isn’t recommended to throw the dog food in an automatic feeder. You will not be able to monitor the amount of food that your puppy will be eating on a daily basis.

Monitor the growth of your puppy

It is also important to make sure that you are monitoring the growth of your puppy. This is the only way that you can be sure that your puppy is growing correctly. These puppies are growing fast, and it is important to make sure that they are growing according to their breed.
If you don’t know at what speed your large breed puppy should grow, you should ask your vet for a growth chart. This will assist you in knowing if your puppy is growing normally or not. Monitoring your puppy’s growth is to make sure that you are going to have a healthy puppy.It is important to make sure that you know everything about large breed puppy diets before you adopt your large breed puppy. You need to know what is the best dry puppy food to ensure that you are feeding your puppy correctly. You could read here for the best dry puppy food for large breeds that recommended to optimize your puppy growth and health. With the right type of food, the right amount of food and monitoring your large breed puppy’s growth, you will know for sure that you have a healthy, growing puppy. And, you will know for sure that the puppy won’t have any related health problems later on, because of feeding it the wrong food.

Author's Bio: 

New York Times bestselling author Hamza Fox writes sweet, fun, action-packed mysteries. Her characters are clever and fearless, but in real life, Hamza is afraid of basements, bees, and going up stairs when it is dark behind her. Let’s face it. Hamza wouldn’t last five minutes in one of her books.

Hamza is best known for her Southern Ghost Hunter mysteries and for her Accidental Demon Slayer books.