The conditions of tendonitis are caused due to inflamed, irritated or microscopic tears of the tendons which are tough, flexible, fibrous bands of tissue that connect muscles to bones. In most of the cases the cause of tendonitis is unknown, but the most common one among them is overuse of the tendons.

The tendons can be small, delicate, tiny bands in the hands, or the large, heavy, rope like cords that anchor the calf or thigh muscles. The overuse and overload on these tendons generally cause the problem of tendonitis. The overuse of the tendons is caused due to the repetition of any particular body motion. Whereas overload happens due to certain activity such as weightlifting and other heavy works.

Tendonitis most commonly is seen to affect the shoulders, elbows, knees, wrists and heels though it may happen anywhere in the body. It is also seen to be quite common in people with diabetes.

Herein below, we would learn about the different types of Tendonitis as seen in the different parts of the human body:

Knee Tendonitis: The most common form of knee tendonitis is the Jumper's knee. This condition involves problem either in the patellar tendon at the lower edge of the kneecap or the quadriceps tendon at the upper edge of the kneecap. This is caused due to overuse injury. It is common among basketball players and distance runners.

Shoulder Tendonitis: Rotator cuff tendonitis is one of the most common form of shoulder tendonitis. It involves the tendon of the supraspinatus muscle, which fastens to the upper portion of the upper arm bone at the shoulder joint. In some other instances which is quite rare, the tendon of the infraspinatus muscle or other tendons of the rotator cuff is affected. It generally happens due to the overuse of the supraspinatus tendon in an occupation or sport that requires the arm to be elevated repeatedly. This condition is common among carpenters, painters, welders, swimmers, tennis players and baseball players.

Elbow Tendonitis: This particular type of Tendonitis is extremely common among athletes involved in throwing and racquet sports . There are two forms of elbow tendonitis, the lateral epicondylitis, commonly known as tennis elbow and the medial epicondylitis, commonly known as golfer's elbow. Tennis elbow generally causes pain on the outer side of the elbow joint and golfer's elbow on the inner side.

Wrist Tendonitis: The wrist tendonitis usually appears in the form of de Quervain's disease. It is a condition that causes pain in the back of the wrist and at the base of the thumb. This particular condition occurs among people who repeatedly grasps or pinches things with the thumb. But sometimes it may develop during pregnancy or at times without any known reason.

Achilles tendonitis: Achilles tendonitis is a form that affects the Achilles tendon, which is the large rope like tendon fastened to the heel bone at the back of the foot. Sports involving running or repeated jumping causes this problem.

Author's Bio: 

Steve Jo has visited many pain relief therapy centers around Australia. During his visits he interviewed many health care professionals and according to them there are several types of tendonitis among which wrist tendonitis in Melbourne is one of the most common type.