There are numerous kiwi fruit benefits. Kids, older people and regular adults all benefit from this magical fruit. In here, we will focus on the main health and nutritional benefits that kiwis can provide children.

Children with respiratory problems

In a study conducted in Italy, researchers found that the considerable amount of vitamin C contained in kiwis can effectively prevent respiratory symptoms among children. After children in the study were given five to seven servings of kiwi fruit each weak, wheezing incidence among them declined by nearly 45%.

Shortness of breath was also diminished by over 30% and chronic cough was put under control, declining by 25% among children who participated in the study. The number of children who suffer from night time cough and runny nose also got lower. The study also reveals that asthmatic children benefit the most from the kiwi diet , providing support to earlier claims that the fruit has significant impact in terms of controlling asthma.

Digestive health benefits

Kiwi fruit benefits children , not just in relation to their respiratory system, but also in terms of keeping their digestive system well-balanced. Children are susceptible to diarrhea and other digestive problems , given their penchant for putting things in their mouth and, of course, they are not too concern with keeping their hands clean.

The effect of kiwi on children's digestive system is the same as its effect on adults' digestive health. Eating kiwi fruit strengthens their digestive tract and provides stronger resistance against bad bacteria that often cause digestive diseases like constipation, inflammatory bowel syndromes, diarrhea and other gut-related conditions. The dietary fiber contained in the fruit also helps regulate bowel movements.

Children with existing medical conditions

There have been studies touting the effectiveness of kiwi in terms of managing glucose levels, which means that it is good for people, even kids, suffering from diabetes. The fruit is also believed to be great at keeping body weight at healthy levels. Kiwi has a very low calorie count, but it can make eaters feel full, thereby preventing them from binging.

The fruit is a great snack food even for children as it is also rich in other vitamins and minerals. The kiwi's benefit on overall health has been proven in several studies and it is not only kids who can benefit but also adults. Even older people can gain a lot of health advantages from kiwi, particularly in terms of protecting their eyesight and keeping their cholesterol levels in control. Kiwi fruit benefits kids, but it is not just for children, but also for adults and the elderly.

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I love everything regarding health and through my research and unbiased reviews, I provide valuable information to people online.

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